Making your image a clickable link
1. Follow instructions 1 thru 12 above
2. Navigate to the page you want to link
to, and push the Go To key.
3. Click on Show current.
4. Hold the Cmd key and push the A key.
5. Hold the Cmd key and push the C key.
6. Push the Mail key and click settings
7. Move the cursor up so that it is
blinking between <center> and <img
8. Type in <a href="
9. Hold Cmd key and push the V key
10. Type ">
11. Move cursor past the image url, by
pressing the right arrow key enough times
until it is blinking between "> and
12. Now type </a>
13. Move cursor down and click on Done.
14. Click Done again then click write.
Here you can view and try your signature.