To transload an image to Angelfire
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1. Go to the url where the image is
2. Click the Go To key
3. Click on show current
4. Hold the Cmd key and push the A
5. Hold the Cmd key and push the C
6. Click the Go To button and *** type
7. When you get to the transloader, scroll down to the text fields and fill in the following info
File to be copied:Paste url here(Cmd and V)
Remote ftp
User login:anonymous
New name for file:whatever.gif or whatever.jpg
8. Click on one of the 4 buttons below
11. When the next screen comes up, check to see that the upload is complete and then click the Go To key.
12. Type in angelfire
13 Click return
14. Click login
15. Login to your acct.
16. In textfield that says new, type in the same as above in #7 new name for file:whatever.jpg or whatever.gif
17. Click on Transer from ftp New file should appear in your webshell.