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Javascript Anagrams

To make an animated anagram such as the ones here follow these steps.

1. Goto:The Internet Anagam Serverand find desired anagram, copy this down for future reference.
2. Now go to the template and use the Webtv Utilty on a favorite key to get the code from Thunderstone.
3. Cut and paste the template code into your advanced editor at Angelfire or similar web page builder.
4. Recopy the block of 2 lines above and 2 lines below the word "one" as many times as necessary using cut and paste.(total of 5 lines, beginning with the line below the first \r\n"+ and ending with "+)
5. Using your written reference, one block at a time, change the letters from "one" to read whatever you're going to put into the textfield, moving each character one square at a time, and deleting any empty squares in order to keep the \r\n"+ lined up. When done moving the letters, be sure all the \r\n"+ codes line up.
6. The word "two" will be replaced by the last frame of your animation, (the anagram).
7. First and last frames can be repeated as many times as necessary to make the animation load properly and last long enough to read. Time interval between frames can be changed by changing 1000 to another number (interval in thousandths of a second). Text on the buttons can be changed to different words as well.
8. Body color and other values can be changed and text and images added to suit your needs.
Additonal help can be found and other javascript animations can be viewed at The ASCII ART RING

If you're on webtv, came from the newsgroups,
and there's nothing in your title box below,
You've been bitten by the Border Bug!
To beat the Border Bug,
Hold the cmd key and tap the r key several times.
Otherwise, the anagrams won't animate!