- Rockabilia, an awesome music merchandise store on the net. They have a great selection of Marilyn Manson Merchandise, including some things that are very hard to find. Very Recommended.
- The Ultimate Band List, probably the best priced place to buy Manson Merchandise. Dependable Service, official merchandise, wide selection and variety. UBL also is the one who runs the Official Marilyn Manson Web site and Marilyn Manson Direct.
- CDNOW, descent prices, faster delivery than most. Not as wide of a selection as UBL, worth checking out though.
- Weathermen Records, they specialize in nothing records merchandise and have a great selection of Manson merchandise. There have been some reports, however, of people paying for their purchase and never receiving what they ordered.
- Newbury Comics Interactive, they sell a wide variety of music merchandise. Cheaper prices than most, you can pick up a MM T-shirt there for around $13.
- ACR, a web-based music store in Germany. The site is only available in German and they really don't have much of a selection at all when it comes to Marilyn Manson items.