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Michelle's Page

Hello, welcome to my page.

My interests tend to revolve around my family. I have two main "obsessions" right now, starting a home based business, and adding another member to our family. Both are taking longer than I expected!
UPDATE! We are now expecting our third child! Baby#3 is due on December 3, 1999. This was Adam's due date! He came two days after. I want this baby to come around Thanksgiving, I'd like a week or two in between birthdays!

I want to be a Work At Home Mom (WAHM) so that I can raise my children the way I want them raised. I have been a working mom for most of their lives, and I feel that I have missed so much! I want a chance to reconnect. When Adam was small, I was a single parent, trying to work and go to school. I feel that I missed out on most of his twos and threes. I want a chance to catch up! I returned to work when Kevin was 8 weeks old. I cried on the way to work every day for weeks! I have had periods of unemployment with Kevin, and feel more connected to him than I did Adam at that age, but I still feel that I am missing out on so much. I am also entertaining thoughts on homeschooling, once my business gets going. The primary reason for this is, once again, a chance to reconnect with both boys, but especially Adam.

Are you a M om Torn in Two? Working outside the home, but longing to be at home with your children? Check out my new forum, designed to support moms who feel torn this way.

In January 1998, we suffered a miscarriage. We weren't trying to have a baby at that time, but it was still a very devastating time for us. I found many resources on the internet, and I have listed a few of them on the Miscarriage Page. I hope these help others as much as they have helped me.

I have been doing a lot of reading/researching about parenting techniques. One technique I feel is wonderful isAttachment Parenting. The internet as a lot of parenting information. I can be confusing, so many different opinions. While every family, and members within that family, are different, I believe the concepts of Attachment Parenting can be of help to all parents, and also anyone who interacts with children.

My boys are what is known as Spirited Children. Spirited Children are often called "strong-willed" or "difficult." I am so excited to learn about this, because I was beginning to really feel like a failure as a parent.

Go to the Spirited Child page to find out more about these special children.

I hope that you have found something interesting or helpful on these pages. If so, please e-mail me. I would love to hear from you.

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Various Websites I Visit Frequently or Found Useful

I Love
Family Life
Christian Parenting Today
Focus on the Family
Just Moms - a Christian Moms Community
Hannah's Prayer - Christian Infertility and Infant Loss Support
Concerned Women for America
The ECHO - EConomic HOmemaker
Frugal Living Site from the Mining Co.
Simple Living for Proverbs 31 Women
The Family Corner
The Christian Parent
