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Let peace abide here, may friends and family find comfort within, may all who enter here know that they are loved. May joy find it's way into their hearts, uplifting them, comforting them, bringing a smile to their faces.  Welcome all who enter within this virtual home.




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Our Gift, Today

This is a day which God has given into my hands.
If I could only realize what a tremendous gift this is, I would use every moment of it to make my life more serene, more rewarding.
I would not look back over my shoulder at
the disappointments of the past .
I would not anxiously contemplate the future.
I would live
--- just for today ---
as well as I can.

I would put aside critical thoughts of others.
I would notice interesting things .
The expressions on people's faces.
A plant growing on my windowsill.
The grace and charm of a child.
An arrangement of clouds.
Today there are wonders all around me,
if I will open my eyes and enjoy them

Author Unknown

Motivational Quote

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