If I give of myself,  

I will learn more about myself.

If I give of my love,  

I will discover all the love I have to give. 

If I give you forgiveness, 

I will forgive myself.   

If I give you the freedom to be you, 

I will give myself the freedom to be me. 

If I trust you, 

I will find our relationship trustworthy.   

If I give you my anger,

I will never let go of my guilt.

But if I give you my love, trust, and understanding, 

I am on the path to my own spiritual awakening.

I'm Here


   I cannot ease your aching heart,

   Nor take your pain away,

   But let me stay and take your hand

   And walk with you today!


   I'll listen when you need to talk;

   I'll wipe away your tears

   I'll share your worries when they come;

   I'll help you face your fears.


   I'm here and I will stand by you,

   Each hill you have to climb,

   So take my hand, let's face the world;

   Live one day at a time!


   You're not alone, for I'm still here.

   I'll go that extra mile,

   And when your grief is easier,

   I'll help you learn to smile!

Your Best


Last night as you lay down to sleep

 There were tear drops in your eyes.

 The pains of life had wrapped you up,

 They caught you by surprise.


 This Morning as you wakened

 There were storm clouds in your life.

Heartaches you had suffered

 .....with hurt your mind was rife.


 But was it ever told to you

 That life is just a breeze?

 That all things would just come to you

 And to go the way you please.


 Did you think it would be easy?

 ...A nice stroll through the park

 And now your mind is racing 

 As you sit here in the dark.


 Tommorrow is your future

 ....some changes must be made.

 It's time to focus on the light

 ....to come out of the shade.


 For, another dawn arises...

 Don`t  let it bring you grief.

 The rising of the morning sun

 Will bring to you relief


 Stand up and face the Morning

 With the strength that you possess.

 And the Almighty Creator

 Will make it be your best.

<bgsound src="images/01elise.mid">

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