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Quotes and Other Assorted Weirdness

Here are some quotes from various T.V. shows. I don't know, I just felt like it, okay? Some of them are slightly paraphrased, mainly because I don't sit there watching the show and writing these things down as soon as I hear them.

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Tom:(singing) What do you get when you fall from grace? You just get cast into perdition. (Touch of Satan)

Mike:(bad french accent) It made sense to surrender. The Germans were very, very mean. (Horror at Party Beach)

Red-Green Show
If you've never seen this show, you should.

Some Guy: Most people are telepathic, they just don't chose to use it.
Harold: I don't know what other people are thinking.
Red-Green: I don't care what other people are thinking.

Harold: So, basically you just dragged the tank up here.
Harold: But there's no direct path from the town square to the lodge.
Red-Green: There is now.
Harold: So now what?
Red-Green: Well, we have a lawn ornament nobody will ever steal. A couple of the guys want to sleep in it, that has me worried.

Red-Green: We at the lodge have an idea for a new monument. A 70 ft. pole made of beer cans with a giant unemployment check flying from the top. If they give us a week we could make it 80 ft.

Red-Green: Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

Harold: What's the camera for?
Red-Green: In case something happens.
Harold: What do you think could happen?
Red-Green: 49 guys and a tank? Trust me, something will happen.

Harold: Do you stop for other cars while driving?
Red-Green: Sure I stop for other cars.....when they have lights on the roof.

Harold: Two guys at an intersection, who has the right of way?
Red-Green: The guy in the big truck.
Harold: No, the manual says it's always the guy on the right.
Red-Green: Unless the other guy has a big truck.
Harold: But Uncle, check the manual.
Red-Green: Harold, check the cemetary.

Harold: 17 kinds of meat? What kind of butcher shop do you go to, Dayton?
Dayton: You don't have to go to the butcher shop if you live near a highway.

One of the best movies made. Along with many others.

Ray:Listen. Do you smell something?

Peter: Back off man. I'm a scientist.

Peter: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.

Peter:Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlisenced nuclear accelerator on his back.

Egon:I blame myself.
Peter: I do, too.

Ray: Let's split up.
Peter:Yeah. We can do more damage that way.

Peter: I make it a rule never to get involved with possesed people.

Dana:I want you inside of me.
Peter: Sounds like you got two people in there already.

Peter:She sleeps above the covers. Four feet above the covers.

Peter:Yes. It's true. This man has no dick.

Peter:Okay. So. She's a dog.

Winston:(to Ray)When someone asks you if you're a god, say YES!

Peter:This chick is toast!

Egon:Sorry, Venkman, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

Peter:You're going to endanger us and the nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog.

Egon:There is definitly a slim chance we'll survive.

Egon:I feel like the floor of a taxi cab.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

Hercules:I don't know what to say except: I'm sorry I threatened to kill you.
Iolaus: It's okay. I tried to kill you.
Hercules:Oh, yeah, I guess you did.
Iolaus: You were really ugly when you were possesed.
Iolaus:Yeah, with those horns and the things on your face. You do not do possesion well, my friend.
Hercules:You didn't look too good when you were possesed either.
Iolaus:Yeah, but I was dead.
Hercules:Oh, yeah.

A little disclaimer I wrote up for a short film I did with some friends.
We apoligize to Monty Python, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and anyone else we managed to rip off during the making of this short.
All weapons displayed for the purpose of this production are fake and therefore should not be considered real.
All ideas and theorys represented herein are not necessarily the ideas and theorys of the individual actors, except for the ones on heavy medication.
All characters in this film are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is rather pathetic.
