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The Unofficial

Home page!

by Mike Claus
This page is dedicated to the greatest, and longest running cartoon of all time. That of course is the beloved Scooby Doo. I'm just getting started, but have a look around. Would you do it for a scooby snack? Good. Scrappy Doo fans not aloud. The plot, in every episode, is that 4 teenagers-Shaggy, Velma, Freddy, Daphne, and their Great Dane Scooby, somehow get stranded in a spooky place. They get chased around by ghosts for a while, but then Velma starts to get suspicious. Freddy makes a trap for the ghost, which always fails, but luckily Scooby falls on him and they get him. When they unmask the villain it turns out to be the person they suspected least. It's very entertaining. Anyway, welcome to my page!Try to find my secret Scooby link located on this page. It is one pixel by one pixel so look around for a while.
Velma, Freddy, Daphne, Scooby, and Shaggy
You will always see one of these ribbons on each and every one of my pages. I believe I hate the little punk more than anyone else on the web!
The Scooby Doo Webring Scooby Dooby Doo, On We Go!! This Scooby Doo Webring site is owned by
Mike Claus.

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