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EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Mike Johnson

This Interview Was taken from the Nhl hockey @ school magazine that i received through the bud's club.  Enjoy!


As Toronto Maple Leafs player and the NHL Hockey @ School spokesperson, Mike Johnson recognizes the importance of staying in school and performing to the best of your ability.

NHL:    What is your favorite movie?

Mike Johnson:    The Shawshank Redemption.

NHL: What is your favorite book?

Mike Johnson:    The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.

NHL:    What music do you listen to before a game?

Mike Johnson:  Hip hop.

NHL:    What is your favorite food?

Mike Johnson:    McDonald's.

NHL:    What was your favorite subject in school?

Mike Johnson:    Math

NHL:   What is your favorite hobby?

Mike Johnson:    Reading

NHL:    What was your favorite teacher?  Why?

Mike Johnson:    Mr. Allan, grade 4.  He made learning fun and kept a relaxed atmosphere in class.

NHL:    When you are not playing hockey, what do you do in your spare time?

Mike Johnson:    I enjoy reading, movies, working on my computer, golf, and any X-Game sport.

NHL:    What was your first job?

Mike Johnson:    I packed clothes into boxes in a warehouse.

NHL:    What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you during a game?

Mike Johnson:    I was hit and my helmet spun around so that the back of the helmet was in front of my face and I could not get it off.  The crowd started laughing until I finally took it off.

NHL:    What is the hardest thing you had to sacrifice in order to make it in the NHL?

Mike Johnson:    I found that a lot of my summer is devoted to improving myself as a player, so I had to sacrifice some summer activities.

NHL:   Do you have any good luck rituals before a game?

Mike Johnson:    Yes, I touch all the lines on the boards before the game.

NHL:    Who has been the most influential person in your life?  Why?

Mike Johnson:    My parents have always given me all of the love and support I needed, regardless of what I was doing.

NHL:    If you could spend five minutes in the penalty box with anyone, who would it be?

Mike Johnson:    Michael Jordan.

NHL:    What role has your education played in your career as a hockey player?

Mike Johnson:    My education has played a big role, not only playing university hockey, but also preparing me for many of the things that I faced during my first few years in the NHL.

NHL:    What is the most memorable moment from your NHL career?

Mike Johnson:    My first game with the Maple Leafs.

NHL:    Who is your best friend in hockey?

Mike Johnson:    Todd Kelman, my roommate in university, who now plays professional hockey in England.

NHL:    If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?

Mike Johnson:    1)   Health and happiness for my family and friends.  2)  A happy and fulfilling life.  3)  Win the Stanley Cup in Toronto.

NHL:    What advice would you give to kids who want to play in the NHL?

Mike Johnson:    Work hard, but always have fun.

NHL:    What changes do you think will be made to the sport of hockey in the next millenium?

Mike Johnson:    The removal of the red line.

Well, I bet you didn't know all that!?  :)