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Daughters Eyes

Daddy why?
Does Billy Joe the meanest boy in school
Always push and shove me
How come he is so cruel?

Daddy why?
In art class the teachers tells me
The sky is always blue
When I see colors of pink and gold
Can’t she see them to?

Daddy why?
Why don’t grown ups play outside in the rain?
Don’t they know in only makes you wet?
It doesn’t cause you pain

Daddy why?
Sometimes when you’re happy
You cry tears like rain
And when you’re sad
Are those the same tears again?

Daddy when I grow up
I want to be just like you
Big and strong can’t do any wrong
Please tell me I can be to

My precious jewel so innocent and rare
Life hasn’t yet tarnished you
So young, so sweet so fare

Some things in life have no answers
For this I long have known
Don’t let the evil mold you
Into some place you don’t belong

Stay innocent and pure
This world would be a better place to be
If everyone in it was like you and me

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