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New Poems


The clouds came in my life today
To chase the sun away
It brought with it the tears of rain
I hope it doesn't stay

I can't see the stars at night
Nor a harvest moon
All I see is the dark deep clouds
That cloaks the night with gloom

Maybe I will climb the highest mountain
Way above for a marvelous view
And send some of the wonderful sunshine
Back down to earth to you

So when the clouds depart
And lives again gets underway
Look up into the heavens
It's just me lighting up your day!

My Cindrella

Their once was a story
many years ago
of a lonely young beauty
who misfortunes in live
wasn't the fault of her own

My Cinderella takes place in modern times
a beautiful young maiden
married in her teens
she didn't see the beauty in herself
what a golden treasure
she was to me

Life had taken her
down a very rough road
with everyone but herself to care for
all she had ever known

For she was already married
and so was I
we both knew better
but we gave each other
what had long been missing inside

Like teenage children
of a first date
we talked and we laughed
like we didn't with our mates

She gave me something
a gift from the heart
my soul was uplifted
from deep from within
I didn't know where to start

Words came from within me
with rhythm and rime
like a child and his first step
or talking for the first time

But alas fairy tales
often end in a very good way
but we just go on living
from day to day

I look for the glass slipper
something to grasp
to show her my love
that will forever last

Till the day my lady
all I can do
is to write you my love letters
hoping for our fairy tale to come true

Tell Me Your Secrets

Ttell me your secrets
only the exotic thoughts
buried deep deep inside

Desires you never told anyone
the emotions lost forever
you thought in the
back regions of your mind

Paint me a picture
of days long past
ones that only surface
ones you want to last

Let me seduce you
one sylable at a time
rekindle old fires
with my words that seem to rhyme

Do I have your attention?
feel my every desire
burning across the page
like a dry sagebrush fire

Your my only candle burning
on a dark moonless nite
the light always keeping
me from the darkness I have buried inside

Show me how to climb the mountains
Mt Everest if it must be
help me tear down the walls
keeping you from me

Take down all the road blocks
of life keeping you subdued
all the maps that I have read
lead right directly to you

So You Say You Like To Dance?

Listen to the rhythm
of the music's beat
makes me want to dance
move my feet

The band gets louder
as it starts our favorite song
I ask you to dance
lets go come on

I can see the excitement
and pleasure in your eyes
as we float across the room
from side to side

Your long curly hair
brushed against my face
we're dancing too wildly
for it to stay in place

The music slows
the lights dims to a romantic glow
as a love melody starts
I move in slow

Although the room is very crowed
and its hard to barely move
we dance as if we were
alone together on the surface of the moon

I nibble so lightly
behind your left ear
whispering love poems
as I hold you so near

This dance my darling
even though is just in our minds
I see it so vivid and truly
and will remember for all time

copyright© By Mike Mal 1998

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