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On The Wings Of An Eagle

On the wings of an Eagle is where I first learned to fly, soaring deep into the clear moonlit sky. High above the city lights is where my mind runs clear. This is where I belong up over the tree lines, among the clouds, just me and the eagle oh so devine. As I set on a snowcovered mountain peak, I look at the world below and often think. What it would be like to have you here, that would indeed be heaven. So come with me, enjoy the grandeir mountains view, come soar with me over the Arizonias majestic canyons. As we fly we can discover each other, where we can soar to new heights where man has never traveled. Oh so carefree it would be for gliding along a mountain stream, cascading down a waterfall, where we can come to rest along side the mountains stream, on a bed of flowers petals espescially for you. Than as we lay I can look into your eyes, and then truely know where natures spendor truely lies. For having your love would be the greatest treasure to me. More precious than the earths great treasure, more spectaclar than a mountains waterfall. Is the wonder of true love.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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