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A Secret Pond

Our Secret pond far away from the stress of our lifes. Where I lay on its green carpet banks, and admire its quite beauty. I can hear the frogs jumping in unison to the music of the bluejays peaceful song. And the fragrance of the fresh wild flowers as they make there way toward the suns warm embrace. As the butterflies dance across the way, forever dancing it seems. Makes me wonder of my life, would be nice just to flutter from flower to flower, floating on a warm summer breeze. Carefree and forever dancing would I be, if I were a butterfly. But I am not a butterfly, nor a frog swimming in the pond. But just a Man trapped in my loveless world. My heart aches for someone who like the butterfly is forever dancing. Oh how I wish I could grow wings and dance on the leaves of the golden dew with you. But its just me and the butterflies In our golden pond of love.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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