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Country Dreams

Sitting here at my keyboards,,, staring at my screen.

Lost in my world of adventures, tying to express in words my dreams.
Not sure where my words come from, as I set and paint these views

For images just come to me,,,, and I write so your can to

Can you see the pictures, I draw out with my words.
creating sounds, sights and smells, with adjectives and verbs.

Driving down this country side, blasting my favorite tunes.

my mind runs wild with the sights around.
Can you see it to?

Open your mind to the moment, smell the fresh spring air

Feel the wind blow by us, messing up our hair
reminds me of my childhood, laughing without a care.

Erase all thought of being you, let me take you for a ride

a roller coaster thrill event, blasting down the country side.
over steep hills , creating cheap thrills. we can thus create
Image yourself in heaven, at the pearly gates.

For our only limits are our negative thoughts within.

toss these out the window, let love and life begin
So in this dreamworld, we can be all we can and will
so close your eyes were in paradise enjoy this country thrill.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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