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A Tulip

I could feel the warmth above me calling me to join the first glimpse of spring. For it had been a long 10 months since I had known the brightness and wonder of the outside world. As I grew upwards towards the suns warming embrace and the clear blue skies. My mind was only on one thing, my spring time love, my reason for living, the purpose of my existence. For when we had last parted some time ago, I promised her I would hold her love in my heart with tenderness and compassions known only to me. What is it about the spring time? Perhaps thats why our love is so strong, for we only know the spring. Its our time of year for though we can only meet for a few short weeks, the fire dances though my soul throughout the year. And with each passing day my loves grows much like the flowers that are nourished by the rain and the sun. But I wonder where she is, for I don't see her golden petals glistening in the sun. For among this rather large group of flowers, she always stands alone amongst a thousands tulips I can only see her. I can feel her warmth, her unending love for me, for she is my only flower, my only hearts desire. Where could my love be? For this my dearest flower, I would give you my last drop of life, my only lifes mission is to spend time with her throughout eternity. How is it she captivates me in such a way? Where could she be, has something happen unthinkable to her? For now it has been several weeks and still no signs of my love anywhere. As each passing day of sun, followed by the cool nights evening air went by, my heart fire never dimished, nor my quest to be along side her golden petals never died. Sure there were other flowers there with me, but I was all alone in a world of many. For without her love, I was nothing, just a whisper in the wind, a blade of grass in the lonesome prairie. She gives me life, a reason to grow, without her love, not sure if I have a reason to exist. With each passing second, I can feel the life being sucked out of me. For I miss her so, my passions in life are diminished, my hearts fire slowly burns, and the summer rains add only to my aching heart. Farewell my love, for I am coming to join you amongst the depths of the soil. I am returning to my roots, where I can be with you. Fear not my one and only flower, as we are not together in life, I will always be with you in my heart, my soul, and love that strong can never die. And perhaps the spring of the next year, we will be together again, brought back by the miracle of life and true loves one and eternal voice.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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