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Climb with me this mountain,

Leave all your cares behind.
Lets climb to the highest summit.
A place where we can unwind.

Lets look across the valley floors,

Thousands of feet below.
Leaving all our worries behind,
Laughing as we go.

Can you smell that mountain pine?

Let it cleanse your soul.
Breath in the fresh mountain air,
Let it take control.

Lets take a dip in this mountain stream,

Wash all your fears away.
Let the waters flow around us now,
While we swim and play.

Lets the suns warm rays, dry away our tears,

While bathing in its ultraviolet rays,
Let the heat of the afternoon, warm our hearts and minds,
Leaving all the pain of yesterday far behind.

Take my hand, and climb with me,

Onward towards the sun.
Forgetting all our mortal faults,
One by one.

Looking across the mountains views,

Watching a eagle soar.
Asking us to fly with him,
High above the valley floors.

Were almost to the mountain top,

A place I have never been.
A place of wonder,
Free of crime and sin.

Passing the last tree lines,

Gasping for each breath of air.
My mind is clear and content,
Free of all despair.

Wonder if this was meant to be?

A place where men do climb,
Trying to find a secret place,
Escaping from all time.

For here is where my mind runs clear,

Forgetting all my woes.
Forever will this gift to man,
Enjoy it as we go.

Just one more rock to the summit,

Before we end this climb.
Sitting on top of the world,
Lost here together for all time.

For this must be Gods gift to man,

For how else can we see,
A place so wonderful,
anything better than I could ever dream.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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