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Rat Race

I first started this race

back in 1972
A gallant young rat of 17
for this is what I was told to do.

Visions of grander entered in my mind

I sprinted ahead in full stride
hoping to stay ahead
can't bear to fall behind

Each day for many years

I ran my daily chore
Not sure where I was running to
or what the hell for

Did this til my 30s

wore out many shoes
always kept running
this I was destined to do

Late into my 30s

I started slowing down
my feet got tired
Where am I running to?

On my 40th birthday

I sat and watched the other rats run instead
they had no ideas where they're running
just keep running to stay ahead

Just then it hit me

what the hell what was I doing in this race?
We're on a neverending treadmill
not going any place

So if you think your winning

Just remember who you are
Just one of millions of rats
chasing a falling star!!!!!!!

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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