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The River

Currents flow
Softly ever so slow
Perpetual motion
To the moons warm glow

Cool evening air
Bugs everywhere
Feeding the fish
As the jump in mid air

Quiet songs
The night owl does make
Softly hooting
Keeping me awake

Stars high above
Illuminating the sky
Like millions of fireflies
Dancing with no reason why

Lazy old river
A quote I have heard
It doesn’t seem lazy
Just quiet, absurd!

This lady is flowing
Unending it seems
Feed by the rains
And by its small streams

An old milk jug
Floats on by
One of many I am afraid
A tearful sign

One of our greatest gift
Polluted and choked
Man always seems to kill
The things he loves most

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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