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Two Ships Passing

Two Ships Passing

Two ships passing

On a star laden night
One a magnificent vessel
One a wreck a pitiful sight

For thousands of miles

Across the swollen sea
Each on course to meet the other
It was destined to be

Waves for the evening

Were all but still
So the ships decks joined
At each other’s keels

Destiny some might say

But this was no game
I heard the true music
Of her name

For she wasn’t adorned with

Diamonds and pearls
Just a old worn dress
But she was no ordinary girl

Her eyes captivated me

Like no other I had found
Pure beauty unleashed
Held me completely bound

Royalty no treasures

Did she posses
But she walked with dignity
Spoke with such tenderness

While the captains

Did their business of the day
I told her of her loveliness
As she blushed and said she couldn’t stay

I am not worthy

Of such a fine gent as you
Best I go below
Be hidden from your view

Just then I held her

With a gentle embrace
Looked deep into her eyes
This I must say in any case

True beauty like yours

Like that of a fine rose
Doesn’t matter from which soil
That it grows

Always remember

For the rest of your days
Just cause you came from the gutter
Doesn’t mean it has to stay that way

For the rarest of all diamonds

Came from the soil
Till man would discover it’s true beauty
Threw hard sweat and toils

A soft tender tear

Feel down her soft cheek
She wept on my shoulder softly
Not a word she did speak

Just then my captain

Yelled out we must depart
I gave her my necklace
A golden engraved Heart

I didn’t say a word

Just kissed her flushed cheek
For words couldn’t describe
This moment I couldn’t speak

As the two ships

Sailed slowly apart
This lovely young maiden
Had stolen my heart

copyright © 1998 Mike Mal

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