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Summer Treehouse

Floating on a summer breeze

Light as a feather
Up among the green leaves
High aloft the trees

Whisking away without a care

Past the farm fields of days long past
A small herd of cattle lazily grazing
Content on just eating the summer grass

Rambling brook winding its way

Flowing so freely, from day to day
Cattails and wild flowers carpet its banks
Quenching the thirst of all who drink

Far off in the distance

I hear a faint sound
Perhaps its just children
Playing around

The laughter got louder

As I approached the oak tree
Up in its branches
The children must be

Ten old barn boards

They used for floor planks
Old bits and pieces
Or whatever it takes

This was their castle

of their own design
A fort it you will
Only limited by their minds

I observed oh so quietly

Watching them build
With a broken off hammer
A rusty old say, they mind a bit
Didnt matter at all

Far down below little Jimmy

Looked scared to make the climb
Up those awful
Make shift stairs

Sally was in the corner

Baking pie for the boys
Jimmy was content
Just playing with his toys

Billy the oldest

The architect if you will
With a color crayon he drew up plans
With such skill

Content in there play world

Creating their own dreams
A world without violence
No drugs on this scene

A large gust of wind

Started rustling through the trees
It wisp me away as I
Left the children live out their dream

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