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Poetry By Night Breed

Time of Darkness

It is the Darkness,
For the time of Hell hath come,
Cupids hath all upon their arrows been impaled,
The shadows draw long and full of misdeed,
No Guardian of Light to show their presence,
Black souls abound the daylight hours,
The night has come into its own.
The moon shines red with the blood of innocents.
Turning toward the Sun for light,
They receive no such favour.
Time drags on for those whom are timeless,
They watch the centuries open and close,
Time is the burden of immortals,
It is their glory yet also their curse.
They watch all the world as it goes by,
Waiting for the Darkness,

Copyright 1998 By David

I'll Be Here

I'll be here when the dust settles,
When all the stars have fallen into the sea,
I'll be here when the mountains crumble,
So strong is my love for thee.
I'll be here when the rivers run no more,
The last man standing there will be me.
I'll always be here for you and more,
We have a special bond that none can see.
I'll be the one who watches from afar,
Taking pride in what you do and what you are.
I can never forget that sweet smile,
Or the way you shake your head.
You are one of a kind, with special style.
I'll be here when all is said and done,
Providing shelter and somewhere to run.
My heart is always open to you,
No matter what my actions do.
I'll be here until the end of time,
Waiting for you at the end of the line.

Copyright 1998 By David

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