Hello, null. Welcome to Miranda's Cyber Home, a family (and animal) friendly site.
Here is one page I created a while back: I plan to create more.
Coming soon: The Cat Basket
The Meerkat Den
Okay, I apologize. To those of you who might actually be checking back for a new page, you may have noticed that it has said that I would make a new one for a long time now. Truth be told, I've just been way too busy or lazy to get around to it. I still hope to, but don't keep your hopes up.
Places to Visit
The Globe - Full of Lots of Fun Stuff (Including Chats)
Disney - Home of Disney. What Else?
The Mouse Pad - Full of Awesome Gifs
PF.Magic - Lots of Free Computer Petz
The Dilbert Zone - Says it All, Doesn't It?