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Before you meet Angel,

Scroll down and meet Travis.






At age 20, Travis Phillips

suffered a traumatic brain injury.

He lost control of his car and slid over 400' broadside into a church!

[Click here to Visit his website]

Read how he inspires hundreds of other young TBI victims

and the ones who love them.

For 6 Weeks Travis was in a coma. Only God knows where that was.

"Their Hearing is the Last to Go"

Is the Book his mother LeFerna wrote on how God used him as a vessel to show her that He wants her to work with the youth by way of message, mentors and music.


Travis - Listens to Christian Music While in a Coma.

His brian injury was so severe that Doctors said he would not live 72 hours. He did.

Then Doctors told LeFerna her son would be no more than a vegtable the rest of his life. They were wrong!

With Faith that God would heal him, LeFerna let God take over. Through music and mentors.

The many miracles of Travis' near death experience led LeFerna to turn her book into a full guide for a new enthusiastic Bible Study for Teens.

LeFerna also wrote "God Loves You More" and sang it over and over in Travis' ear while he was in his coma.

Travis just 18 months later...

Travis on Spring Break
from Central Michigan University



Now.... Meet Angel!





Angel is a blue mutation Pacific Parrotlett.

The smallest member of the exotic Amazon Parrot Family.

Angel has been chosen as the perfect little mascott for TBI work

in the ministry, as she was diagnosed by her vet to have

a Traumatic Brain Injury or "TBI."


Advised against breeding the bird, LeFerna ignored that advise and set out to give Angel a chance to have a normal life. For mating to take place, Angel would have to be steady on a perch, and her motor skills were in question.


If God's eye is on a tiny bird like Angel,

You know He watches over you!


Angel, along with her mate "Patience," did produce a clutch of eight eggs and out of these, five beautiful babies came into the world, proving Angel was capable of raising a normal family.

She was a good mate and mother, and very attentive.

Click on the pictures above to see a larger picture then click your back button.

As if she had no disabilities at all, Angel continues to produce clutch after

clutch of beautiful blue Pacific Parrotlet babies.


If He can do this for Angel... just think what He can do for you!


Remember... THINK God first! THEN go on with your life.

This little bird went on with her life as if nothing were wrong.

As hard as that may sound, this is what the TBI victim

and their families must try to do. Know that it is God's will.


Where there is a will, there is a way.

There is a reason for everything.


With faith as small as a mustard seed,

you can move mountains!



Travis is touring with Mustard Seed Ministry's 2001 "Seeds" Tour![Mustard Seed Ministry

]Travis' Song is LeFerna's first radio release!

God Loves You More]

