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"Moving Mountains"





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JT's Christian Record Review



There's a lady who hales from Ease Jordan, Michigan who is "Moving Mountains" in the lives of many people. She does this with a unique music and speaking ministry known as Mustard Seed Ministries.


What's unique about her? Well, first of all, her name. She goes by a one-word moniker like Cher, Madonna & Prince. Hers? LaFerna. But what makes her even more unique is her music.


With a sound that is pegged by one radio JD as sounding "seventies", LaFerna mixes country Christian with southern gospel, while adding a few dashes of jazz, pop, and novelty musical styles. LaFerna writes all of her songs and sings like a songbird. But what is even more striking to this write is her incredible resemblance in sight and sound to one Brenda Lee. I spoke to LaFerna by computer recently, and she admits she's been told she also sounds like Patsy Cline. Fine comparisons, either way. And justified.


This collection of 9 songs has many stories to tell. Inside the jewel case of the CD is LaFerna's story and testimony. In it she tells how many of the songs came about.


The project begins with a 50's doo-wop type style. LaFerna sings "He Knew", a song that tells of the infinite wisdom of God. Who would have ever known that after 40 years of singing country music and living a life outside of Christ, that suddenly and in explicably, she would come to a saving knowledge of Christ? Well, "He Knew", that's who! Praise Him!


LaFerna's mother and father died within two days of each other. Her mother had cancer, her father a brain aneurysm. They had been the staunch supporters of their daughter's music one would expect of parents. Upon their deaths, LaFerna was unsure about her musical fortunes. Members of her church, who knew her music, had heard her sing "Tell Mother and Daddy I Love Them", and encouraged her to record it and include in on this project.

A moving tribute, this ballad pays homage to their memory, while acknowledging God's presence in her own life.


LaFerna's theme song follows. "The Mustard Seed Song" is a bouncy, lively novelty number that professes the faith we all have at times. What I mean is, sometimes we feel on top of the world, undefeatable, or unmovable by Satan's wiles. But them something happens. Circumstances change. In LaFerna's case it was an accusation of setting her own house on fire, then a tragic car crash by her son Travis that led her to start doubting. But even with the tiny faith she had left, she was able to "go on".


"God Loves You More" is to e the 1st single release from this project. Already picked up by one radio station, it sits at #217 on the April 2001 Singing News Industry chart. LaFerna sang this beautiful ballad, with beautiful orchestrations and wonderful backing vocals, to her son over and over again while he was comatose in ICU after his crash. One nurse had told LaFerna, "His hearing will be the last to go". Doctors had nearly given up, but with mom's faith and steadying influence on Travis' friends to visit, this song helped pull him through. An outstanding testimony in song!


"This Stone's For You" is a jazz-influenced country number that uses a tongue-in-cheek reference to a famous carbonated beverage's slogan to get right-in-your face. The message here is that nobody is without fault or sin, and we should be careful how we treat others. Before we go throwing stones we need to examine our own hearts. Powerful stuff.


"Finding You Finding Me" is another song with a special story. While son Travis was still in the hospital, LaFerna would play this song for him. She placed it on a website dedicated to Travis to help others facing similar head traumas. A DJ in Holland found it and asked for a CD. And a jail inmate names Karen Richey heard it and asked it to be played on a radio station. It ended up drawing Karen and LaFerna together, LaFerna beginning a prison ministry, and most importantly, now serves as an impetus to others to find freedom through Christ. The song's popularity has been credited to the use of ocean sounds of freedom and the finding of God who was there all along.


"Forever Together As One" focuses on the theme of forming a partnership between two people and God. The result is that when joined together, such as by marriage, with God in the center of the relationship, a strong chord if three is formed as one. This union is much stronger that if two tried without the third strand. God is the missing link! Amen? Strong piano accompaniment makes this song soar.


With strains of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" tied into the introduction LaFerna then takes us along on a pleasant sounding little excursion with "Mary's Lamb". This unique look at how the spirit of Christ follows us every where we go, like Mary's little lamb, will certainly capture a little person's attention, as well as moms and dads. A super way to evangelize through song!


The project ends with "When I Learned To Pray". It tells, in song, how LaFerna learned to follow Christ. Out of a life of confusion and turmoil topped with tragedy, LaFerna saw that only by turning to Jesus could she find peace, contentment, and purpose. Only when talking directly to God, in conversational prayer, was LaFerna completely sold on God. As she points out in her lyric, too much God scared her, but not enough left her flat on her face. God knows our needs, and supplies those needs to those who ask of Him. When Jesus teaches each of us how to pray to the Father, through the Word, we too can find that inner peace for our lives. Why not call out to Him today if you're hurting? He will answer! Guaranteed!


A most inspiring recording! LaFerna truly sings from the heart and soul and the depth of her being. All that she ahs been through has only served to strengthen her and prepare her for this ministry. A job well done!


I must point out; all BMI proceeds from the song "Finding You Finding Me" on this CD have been designated to go toward helping support prison victims in need of new trials.


Wonderful music, LaFerna! Thanks for allowing us a chance to hear it and review it. May God richly bless you in your ministry.


Until next time, I'm taking to the road with a mustard seed of faith!


God Bless!



A Cute Story About LeFerna's Name...

LeFerna was born in Oklahoma. Her father named her LeFerna Lou. He made it up.

The Fern was for his mother, and the capital letter in the middle went along with her mother's name of LaVina and her sister LaJuana's spellings. He decided to begin the name with "Le" just to be different. It was. It was so different, even LeFerna's own mother would pronounce her name La (luh) Ferna instead of Le (Lee) Ferna like it was meant to be. Eventually, her father as proud as he was, started to get on to her mother every time she mispronounced their daughter's name. He would say; "It's not LUH Ferna... it is LEE, LEE!!

So after a few times of being corrected in this way, LeFerna's mother and two sisters just started calling her LeFerna "LeLe." LeFerna's mother still called her this up until the day she died.

Now of course her father never had a problem pronouncing his third daughter's name at all, because from the time she was born he always called her "Pete", "Petey","Petey-Weedy" or "Pistol Pete" depending on his mood or the situation at hand.

In the late sixties, LeFerna's friends picked up on her middle name, and called her "Lou" which she did not like at all. So they added the "ee" sound to the end of the middle name, and started calling her "Louie." LeFerna'a friends still know her as today.

Out of respect for her father, she now uses her "real name" and snickers under her breath everytime it is mispronounced.

Southern Gospel
Reviewed By Scott Evans who also has Pennsylvania's main Southern Gospel Website


LeFerna's project titled Moving Mountains is a good project.  The project has a very unique sound that quite honestly I'm not sure how to describe!  It is enjoyable however and that is all that needs to be said.  The project includes a series of nine songs that were all written by LeFerna.  The songs included on this project are: He Knew, Tell Mother & Daddy I Love Them, The Mustard Seed Song, God Loves You More, This Stone's For You, Finding You Finding Me, Forever Together As One, Mary's Lamb and When I Learned How To Pray.

LeFerna sings each one of these songs in a sincere and sweet manner.  My favorites from the project are God Loves You More, When I Learned How To Pray and This Stone's For You.  If you have not heard LeFerna sing before you should make it a point to try to do so.  For more information email LeFerna at .  


A Letter From Kathe Beaver
Who held no. 1 on KLLN's charts with
"Its All Over But the Shoutin'."
A Great Singer, so this has become a cherished letter for LeFerna!!

Hi Leferna! 'Just a note to say "Congrats on your song being #1 at klln"! Your "God Loves You More" has a very meaningful message for all of us. God bless you as you continue to sing and write songs that can reach out and make a difference in someone's life, telling them about God's wonderful love for us. Along with this note, I pray that God's arms will always lift you up and sustain you in all your efforts for Him. In return, I ask that you please remember me in prayer, would you? Thanks so much. Sincerely, Kathe Beaver


[God Loves You More]
[Radio/Press Release]



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