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Eternally Yours--Chapter 21--Pillow talk

John lay wide awake in Marlena's bedroom as he couldn't dismiss thoughts of frustration from his mind. Marlena was laying on his chest fast asleep as he tried unsuccessfully to get back to sleep. He started to shiver as he realized that this night may be the last time in a long time that they may be able to spend an evening as a family.

"Are you awake?" Marlena asked noticing that John was fidgeting around.

"Yeah, I thought you were asleep." John replied kissing the top of her head. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I've just been laying here thinking about a conversation I had with your daughter earlier this evening. It was rather disturbing." she said recalling the pain she felt when Belle had questioned her about Roman.

"Yeah, I had a talk with Brady earlier too." John informed her thinking about his son. "He's been watching talk shows and he thinks that we are a couple in trouble."

"Talk shows?" Marlena asked instantly sidetracked.

"Yeah, Sally Jesse I think." John laughed remembering his son's seriousness. "He said that Sesame Street was out and that he was in the mood for grown up talk."

"Wow. That's a change." Marlena smiled imagining what Brady had to say.

"I think that he's going to be a psychiatrist like you some day Doc." John laughed remembering as he felt Marlena's happiness fading away. "What did Belle have to say dear?"

"Belle was upset that Christmas is over because she doesn't want you going away again." Marlena explained snuggling up tighter next to him as she spoke. "She doesn't want you to leave again."

"I don't want to go." John said looking down at her. "I hate having to leave again and let you stay here with Roman especially after what he did the other night."

"That was an accident John." she said moving up to look into his eyes.

"Every time I see what he did..." John began touching the left side of her face that was still bruised, " drives me crazy. I don't like the thought of him putting his hands on you Doc."

"I know John, but he promised that he would never do anything like that again." she assured him. "You and I both know that Roman is a man of his word."

"It's not that easy anymore Doc." John said rolling over on top of her. "I can't stand to be away from you."

"John, Roman's health has worsened." she explained with tears in her eyes. "If something happened to him again, I would never be able to forgive myself."

"Doc, if something happens to you again, I couldn't forgive myself." he said moving inches away from her face. "You're my world, my heart, my soul and if anything ever hurt you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"I love you John." she insisted pulling him to meet her lips in a long, emotional kiss.

"Doc, I love you too, but this separation is killing me. Not a minute goes by that I don't think about holding you in my arms like this forever." John informed her as tears filled up in his eyes. "We have gone through too much to be together and it feels like we are never going to find happiness."

"We will." she insisted trying to reassure both him and her. "It's all going to work out for the best."

"I hope so Doc," John said tracing her face with his index finger. "because I'll go crazy if we can't be together like this again very soon."

"Let's just make the most of tonight John." Marlena insisted bringing her hand to his face. "We both need to hold each other tonight."


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