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Eternally Yours--Chapter 31--The pressure is on

To Chapter 32

Marlena sat in her office thinking about the morning's turn of events. She could still feel Roman's lips pressed against hers and it was making her sick to her stomach. She couldn't believe that he had tried to get her to jump back into their old life again after he had promised not to push her. She realized that she was really starting to get stressed out lately between Roman and the pressure she was getting from John.

"Good morning Doc," John announced walking into her office and closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Gee...thanks for the hello Doc." John said looking at her. "I was kind of hoping for a kiss or a hug."

"I'm sorry." she said standing up and giving him a hug. "I'm just not feeling too well today. I didn't sleep much last night."

"Me neither." he agreed kissing her forehead. "All I could think about was spending my time with you. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." she said resting against him. "I think that I need a vacation."

"Well, I could always wisk you away for the weekend on the jet." John smiled at her. "We could go to some romantic little island away from Salem."

"John, that's not fair." she sighed sitting down on her couch. "Don't get my hopes up."

"I'm serious Doc." He explained sitting down on the couch. "We could take the kids with us and have a long overdue family vacation."

"Think about it John. Why would we do that?" she asked seriously. "We can't go away together now considering that I'm taking care of Roman."

"I'll help you take care of Roman." John suggested rubbing her shoulders. "I could move back home and we could tell him the truth about everything after his check up with Mike tomorrow."

"John, would you just stop?" Marlena asked getting up. "Can't you just drop the whole moving back home issue? It's not possible right now."

"Doc, I know that we could think of some believable reason why I can move back into the penthouse." John urged her.

"John, would you please stop making this so difficult for us?" she asked him. "I can't take all of this stress."

"I'm sorry Doc." he said realizing that he was causing her pain. "I just want to be with you and it's driving me crazy."

"Well, it's driving me crazy too, but there's nothing we can do about it right now." she insisted giving him a hug.

"I won't press this issue with you again if that's what you really want." he said as he felt tears soaking his shirt.

"Thank you so much." she said crying. "I'm getting pressure from all angles and even though I love you, you're getting to me too."

"I'm so sorry." he said moving her face to look at his. "I won't ask to move back in until we get a clean bill of health from Mike about Roman. Okay?"

"Thank you." she said smiling weakly.


"Bridget, is my mom in her office?" Eric asked walking into the lobby.

"Yes, she is in her office Eric, but she's with Mr. Black right now." Bridget informed him. "I can tell her that you're here."

"I'll wait." Eric said sitting down and scanning the room. "Hey, did Jenny come in today?"

"No, she called in sick today." Bridget informed him as she went back to her typing.

"Just as well," Eric thought to himself, "I didn't really want to see her today anyways."


"Listen Doc, I have to go to the station to help Abe out with the Jack and Jenn case." John explained giving her a quick case. "I know that I said I wouldn't pressure you, but I was wondering if I could persuade you to have a romantic dinner for two with me tonight?"

"I don't know if I could pull it off." Marlena said looking at her appointment book. "I should really go home to Roman."

"Tell him that you're working late." John suggested to her. "Better yet, tell him that you and Laura are going to have dinner tonight since she is so upset about Jack and Jenn being gone."

"Okay," she sighed giving in, "I'll have dinner with you."

"You won't regret this." John smiled giving her another kiss. "You know I love you."

"I love you too." she smiled as he walked out of her office.


"Gee, I'm not surprised to see you here John." Eric began glaring at John.

"Eric, how are you?" John asked walking over to him.

"I was fine until I saw you here." Eric snapped at him. "What are you trying to pull John?"

"I was here visiting your mom Eric." John said looking at him.

"Why don't you just leave her alone John?" Eric asked growing angry.

"Eric, I love your mother." John said calmly.

"Why don't you just let her be happy with my dad John?" Eric asked as his voice grew louder. "You know, your presence around here isn't really wanted right now."

"Eric, your mother loves me and until she tells me to not come around anymore, which won't happen, then I'll keep coming around." John explained watching Eric carefully. "We love each other Eric."

"You know John," Eric began as Bridget watched the two of them, "I don't really like you much and I'd appreciate it if you would just leave my mom alone."

"Eric, Iook I don't know what's come over you since last night, but I think that you should calm down." John explained hoping that Eric would lower his voice.

"Your mom is under a tremendous amount of stress right now and the last thing she needs to hear is you yelling out here."

"I'll give you stress John." Eric said punching John in the face.
