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Eternally Yours Chapter 41--Marlena explains things to John

"Doc, I know that this is really bad timing on my part, but there's something that we need to talk about." Roman began taking her hand in his.

"What is it Roman?" she asked looking at him.

"I know that we agreed that we should be spending this time together trying to work out our problems so that we could build our relationship back to where it was before our divorce, but I'm afraid that it's going to have to wait." He said kissing her hand.

"What?" she asked confused by his last statement.

"I'm sorry Doc, but I have to leave town for a little while." He said sadly as he squeezed her hand. "I know that you were looking forward to us spending time together, but I promised a friend that I would go see him for a little while."

"Roman, are you sure that you're up to it?" Marlena asked thinking about his health.

"I'm not going very far Doc." Roman explained to her as he continued. "I'll only be gone over night. In fact, I was planning on leaving as soon as I finished talking to you tonight."

"I see." Marlena replied as her thoughts drifted to John.

"Don't worry about me Doc." He said giving her a quick kiss. "I'll be fine and I promise that I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Okay?"

"Alright." Marlena said feeling slightly relieved that he was leaving.

"Well, I better go Doc." Roman said pulling her tightly to him and giving her a kiss. "I hope that you'll miss me because I'll miss you."

"Goodbye Roman." Marlena said as he walked out of her office. She picked up her phone and decided that she needed to talk to get a hold of John so that they could talk about things.


"What do you have to tell me Carrie?" John asked noticing Carrie's reluctance to speak.

"John, I feel really weird that I'm the one telling you this, but you have a right to..." Carrie began as John's cell phone rang.

"Hold that thought Carrie. I have to take this." John said pulling his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. "John Black here."

"John," Marlena's voice rang through the phone.

"Doc," John responded as his heart started racing.

"I need to talk to you John." Marlena explained into the phone.

"What did Roman leave you alone? Are you sure that it's safe to call me?" John asked sarcastically.

"That's not fair John." Marlena insisted as she realized that he was hurting. "It's not like that."

"Really Doc?" he asked angrily. "It sure looked like the two of you were getting along just fine when you kicked me out of your office."

"John, I had no clue that Roman was coming to my office." Marlena explained to him. "We really need to talk about this John."

"I think that you said it all when you asked me to leave." John explained to her coldly.

"John," Marlena cried into the phone, "I need to talk to you. It's really important and I don't want to do this over the phone."

"Fine." John said turning away from Carrie. "Are you still in your office?"

"Yeah." she sniffled into the phone.

"I'll be there in a couple minutes then. Okay?" he asked softening the tone of his voice when he realized that she was crying.

"Okay." she said faintly. "I'll be waiting for you."

"Is everything alright John?" Carrie asked realizing that he must've been fighting with Marlena about something.

"I hope so." John said remembering that she was about to tell him something before Marlena called. "What were you saying before Carrie?"

"It can wait." she said deciding that Marlena should be the one to tell him the news. "Go see Marlena."

"Bye Carrie." he said giving her a hug. "I'll see you later."


"Thanks so much for coming over here to double check these test results Lexie." Mike said as they entered the lab that he was working in. "I just want to be one hundred percent sure that my findings were correct before I give Roman the news."

"No problem Mike." Lexie said beginning the test. "I can understand where you're coming from with this. It's just too odd for the drugs to have such a dramatic effect over night."

"I'm sorry that I interrupted you." Mike asked remembering that she was busy working when he barged in on her earlier.

"That's alright." Lexie explained as she continued working. "I was running some tests on a bottle of pills that John gave me."

"What kind of pills?" Mike asked curiously.

"You know Mike," Lexie began looking up at him, "to tell you the truth I've never seen anything like them before."

"Really?" Mike asked interested as she began to give him the information about the pills.


"Doc," John asked walking into Marlena's office, "are you here?"

"John," she called out from her bathroom, "I'll be out in a minute. Have a seat."

"Okay," he said moving to the couch and sitting down as images of Marlena and Roman kissing ran through his head.

"John, I'm so glad that you came back." Marlena said walking out of the bathroom.

"I didn't think that you wanted me around Doc." he said staring at her.

"I'm sorry that I made you leave John." she said moving towards him. "I didn't want you to go, but Roman had something important to tell me."

"I see how it is." he said staring at her. "From now on when Roman says something important is going on, you're going to forget about me. I just have to know Doc, is Roman the reason that you canceled our plans tonight?"

"John, that's not the way it is." she said getting frustrated with him. "I was going to call you again when Roman showed up."

"Sure you were." John muttered looking at her. "Was that before or after he kissed you?"

"John." she said sitting down next to him. "I have something important to tell you."

"Yeah, I'll bet." he said standing up and walking away from her. "Let me guess. You don't want me around anymore because you've decided to dedicate all of your time to making Roman healthy again. Right?"

"Wrong stupid!!" she said watching him look out the window. "I don't know how many times I have to explain to you that it's you that I want to be with."

"Well, I want to believe that, but then you let Roman back into your life again after he hurt you. Then you cancel plans with me for dinner. You sounded upset so I decided to check up on you to see what's wrong and I find you kissing Roman in your office." John began turning to face her. "I don't like it Doc."

"John, I didn't want to kiss him." she explained walking towards him. "He kissed me and I assumed that you saw that."

"I did." he confessed remembering the way that she had responded to Roman. "I know that you didn't want to kiss him. I was just hurt that you asked me to go."

"I understand that John, but I had to talk to Roman and see what he had to say." Marlena explained as she stood in front of him. "You might be interested to hear what he had to tell me."

"Yeah, what's that?" John asked trying to stay mad at her.

"He said that he was leaving town for the night." she explained as she quickly kissed his nose.

"Oh yeah?" he asked slowly letting his anger go.

"Yeah." she smiled giving him another quick kiss. "And you know what else?"

"What?" he asked as a smile crept on his face.

"We can have dinner tonight together like we planned on." she began as she wrapped her arms around him.

"We can?" he asked as she kissed him again.

"Uh-huh." she said looking into his eyes.

"There's a problem with that." he said looking at her.

"What?" she asked confused.

"I already canceled our dinner reservations." he explained to her. "When I saw you with Roman, I figured that we wouldn't be able to spend time with each other tonight."

"That's alright." she said smiling. "I'll make dinner tonight."

"That could be dangerous Doc." he joked thinking about her cooking.

"Hey, that's mean." she said hitting him playfully. "I want tonight to be special."

"It will be Doc." he said kissing her again. "I love your cooking."

"You're a bad liar Mr. Black," she grinned at him as he started to frown, "but I love you anyways."

"I love you too Doc." he said pulling her tighter to him and giving her a long, passionate kiss.

"John," Marlena began as she broke away from their kiss.

"What Doc?" he asked mesmerized by her beauty.

"I have to tell you something John." she said turning suddenly serious.

"What is it Doc?" he asked curious.

"I've been thinking all day about how to tell you this." she said with a smile on her face.

"This looks promising." he said noticing that she seemed happy.

"It is John." she said happily. "You have to promise me that you won't freak out when I tell you."

"Uh-oh." John said eyeing her carefully. "Why don't I like the sound of that?"

"Don't worry John." Marlena assured him as she dragged him over to the couch. "It's good news. I do think that you need to sit down for this though."

"Alright you have my full attention Doc." he said staring into her brown eyes. "What's up?"

"John," she said taking his hand in hers, "I just wanted to let you know that I'm...well, I'm..."

To Chapter 42
