On The Wings of Angels

Chapter 4- Miles to Go

John and Marlena walked arm in arm out of the hotel to the awaiting horseand carriage John had arranged. They rode through the streets of Venice in companionable silence, a light weight blanket draped over their legs, and holding hands for nearly thirty minutes. Finally Marlena leaned back on John's chest and sighed. "It is so wonderful feeling you next to me. I love you and all the surprises you have given me so far today but why don't you tell me where we are going."

John closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of Marlena's hair. He felt like a totally different man than he had been just a day before. It was as if she had single handedly lifted the world off of his shoulders by finding him and telling him he was the one she wanted. "Doc, I would love to tell you but I can't. I mean, it is very important that you enjoy this evening to it's fullest. Besides, we're almost ready to make our first stop."

They rounded the corner and found an awaiting gondola prepared to take them through the legendary canals of Venice. John had rented the gondola for their private use and had decorated it to the nines. To Marlena it looked as if John had bought every rose in town, between the ones in her room and the ones he had decorated the gondola with. John was pleased with the look of utter happiness that showed on Marlena's face.

"John, you didn't, it's to much!"

"Nothing is to much for you my darling. I did all of this because I want the first night of the rest of our lives to be perfect."

"So far so good sweetheart."

The carraige came to a stop and John stepped out and offered his hand to Marlena. She smiled, took his hand, and stepped out of the carriage onto the cobblestone road. John placed an arm around her waist and led her to the gondola. He stepped in, balanced himself, and then helped Marlena into the gondola. They sat down and Marlena reclined on several overstuffed pillows as John poured two glasses of the champaigne that had been chilling nearby. As the gondola launched a violinist who had been sitting at the back began to play.

"I would like to propose a toast to you Doc. I am the luckiest man in the world to have a woman like you in my life. You are smart, beautiful, caring, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known. I thank God that you didn't give up on me, that you found me, and that you made me come to my senses. I love you Doc and I don't deserve you but since I have you I am never letting you go again."

Marlena felt the tears on her face as she took a drink of her champaigne. "You know I am going to hold you to that promise. And the same holds true for me also. Now that I've got you I'm not letting you out of my clutches."

John smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her. They had been kissing for several moments before they realized the gondola wasn't moving any longer. John laughed and Marlena blushed when they realized the gondola driver and violinist were staring at them.

"It seems we have reached our final destination my darling."

They were at small cafe that Marlena had heard was the best food in town. She had also heard it was nearly impossible to get in because it was such a small family owned establishment but tonight it looked deserted. Marlena gasped as they walked inside. Looking around she was fairly certain John had something to do with the place being deserted. There was a single table set for two in the middle of the room, there were hundreds of candles to provide light, and even more flowers to decorate the room.

"John you must have spent a fortune this evening. I don't deserve all of this."

"You, my love, deserve only the best. So enjoy it."

He led her to the table and they enjoyed a lovely dinner of authentic Italian cuisine. After the meal John was happy to see the contented look on Marlena's face. John got up from the table and went to a nearby CD player. He put on some music and held out a hand for Marlena. She took his hand and he led them out to the dance floor and they danced to the strains of Celine Dion.

I would walk to the edge of the universe for you Paint you a crimson sunset over sheltering skies I could learn all the world dialects for you Whisper sonnets in your ear discovering truth I could never worship pagan gods around me I will only follow the path that leads me to you baby...always Every step I take for you I will always defend, never pretend That every breath I take for love I could never be wrong, the journey is long With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep... I would carry the rock of Gibraltar just for you Lifted like a pebble from the beach to the skies I can build a bridge that spans the ocean wide But the greatest gift I give you would be to stand by your side Some can criticize and sit in judgement of us But they can't take away the love that lives inside us always Every step I take for you I will always defend, never pretend That every breath I take for love I could never be wrong, the journey is long With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep... I won't run from the changing signs along the highway Let the rivers flow to the highest ground created

As the next song began to play and John and Marlena continued to dance John took a box out of his jacket pocket. "Uh Doc, that song we just danced to is very important to me. It symbolizes the way I feel for you. I would do anything for you and I wanted to give you something to symbolize our commitment." He opened the box to reveal two perfectly rounded bracelets, one slightly larger than the other. "I had these made for us Doc. They are identical in every way except one. The inscription in mine says M.E. forever. The inscription in yours says J.B. Always. I want these bracelets to be like wedding rings. Once we put them on we never take them off. Are you up for that?"

Marlena took the smaller of the two bracelets and put it on her wrist. "Always. And you?"

John smiled and placed the bracelet on his wrist. "Forever, Doc, forever."

They continued to dance for a few more songs and then they embarked on the short walk back to the hotel where John had arranged for a dessert of strawberries and cream to be waiting in Marlena's suite. The whole way back John had been trying to figure out a way to get Marlena to invite him upstairs. As they walked through the lobby John prepared to launch his argument when Marlena stopped dead in her tracks. Her next words caused his stomach to turn over.

"Oh God, John, it's Abe...."


Abe could see the panic stricken looks on his faces as they approached him. He was not looking forward to telling his two best friends the news. He smiled as they approached and tried to lighten the mood.

"Hey buddy, it's good to see you. We've been missing you back in Salem."

"Hey pard, I've been missing you also."

"Abe, something is wrong isn't it? It must be bad for you to have come all the way here to tell us."

"Well, Marlena, you're right. Something has happened."

"Is everyone alright? Is it one of the children?"

"Well guys, I have the Titan jet ready and waiting because I knew you would want to get back to Salem as soon as possible. I'll give you all the details on the way home."

"What is it Abe?" Marlena asked impatiently.

"It's Brady. He's been kidnapped."


Kristen carried the tray of food into the small room she had been keeping Brady in for the past few days. She set the tray of food in front of him and waited. Brady looked at Kristen then at the food and threw it on the floor.

"Brady, why do you keep doing that? You need to eat."

"My daddy taught me to never take food from strangers or people I don't trust. I don't trust you."

"Don't you want to be strong for daddy when he comes so you, him, me, and John Jr. can be a family?"

"Daddy is going to come and get me and we will be a family! Just me, him, Belle, and Mommy. You can't be a part of our family."

"Brady that is impossible your Mommy is dead remember?"

"Not my Angel-Mommy my other Mommy. Mine and Belle's."

"Sorry Brady but that won't happen either because your Daddy loves me and once we get back together I will be your mommy. Eventually you will forget her." Kristen smiled and turned to leave.

"You will never be my mommy because my daddy could never love you more than her. Besides Momma won't let you take me and Daddy away from her

To be continued........

To Chapter Five

Email: rayman18@juno.com