On The Wings of Angels

Chapter 6- The Nightmare Begins

Marlena had felt like her heart had been ripped out when she and John had said goodbye and then she had watched the elevator doors close behind him. She sat looking at a picture of them with the children in the gardens at the DiMiera mansion. They had been so happy that day and Marlena had actually been hopeful that someday they would be a real family. Damn Kristen! They had been so close and she found a way to ruin it again.

"Mommy, where is Daddy?"

Marlena started at the sound of her baby girls voice behind her. "Daddy had to go find Brady remember? Why are you up baby girl?"

"I had a bad dweam. Can I sweep wif you tonight, Mommy?"

"Sure but tell me about your dream first."

"I dweamt Daddy and Bwady never came home. They are coming home aren't they, Mommy? Daddy wouldn't weave us here awone, would he?"

"No baby he wouldn't. Daddy and Brady will both be home very soon. I promise. Now let's go to bed." As Marlena carried Belle upstairs she tried to tell herself that she was right. John and Brady would be home safely soon. Somewhere deep inside, though, she had a nagging feeling she might never see them again.


John sat in a dingy little diner in Toronto at his watch. He was beginning to get worried and irritated. Kristen was supposed to meet him there fifteen minutes ago so they could discuss what he would have to do to get Brady back. He hoped things would go smoothly as possible so he and Brady could get back to Marlena and Belle.

"Exuse me sir, but a woman just asked me to give this to you."

John took the note from the shy waitress and opened it.

Meet me in the alley NOW!

John immediatley searched the room for a familiar face.

"Can you tell me what the woman looked like?"

"Well, she was 5'7"-8", blonde, very pretty."

"Thanks. Listen is there any way I could use your back door?" After recieving a nod of permission from the waitress John paid his check and headed for the back door.

"Dammit Kristen, what are you up to?" He said as he entered the alley. Before he had a chance to look around someone covered his mouth and nose with a rag and everything went black around him.


Marlena bolted up in her bed, sweat pouring off her forehead. After several hours of tossing and turning she had fallen into a fitful slumber before being awoken by the nightmare. She had been dreaming about the cage Stefano had kept her in in Paris only there was something different about it. She concentrated hard trying to remember the details and then suddenly they all came crashing down around her.

This time it was John in the cage and Kristen was looking in. She was there also but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get to John. Kristen had him tied to the bed and was forcing him to say how much he loved her and hated Marlena. Marlena let out a sob at the thought. She laid back down and hugged her pillow. "Please God, let John and Brady be safe. Bring them home to me soon."


So far Kristen's plan had gone perfectly. She had lured John to her and now she had set the rest of her plan in motion. Now all she had to do was sit back and watch John and Marlena's lives fall apart around them and then she would be ready to help John pick up the pieces. She looked through the bars of the cage and smiled at the image of John on the bed sleeping with a smile on his face. She began to imagine what he was dreaming of.

They were standing next to a bed in a room full of candles and flowers. He was wearing black silk pjama bottoms and she was wearing a satin and lace white negligee. John took her champaigne glass and placed it on the bedside table. Then he turned and began to remove the spaghetti straps of her negligee and then watched as the silky material fall down around her ankles. Soon they were on the bed in the throes of passion and John began calling out her name.

"Oh God, Marlena, you are beautiful."

Kristen was ripped out of her dream state and back into reality. Damn that woman for ruining yet another potentially great moment in her life. Somehow she would have to get John to think only of her and not Marlena.

To be continued.........

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Email: rayman18@juno.com