+ members +

+ logan +
Logan, like wolverine kiddies...but not really, he plays bass ( not with his claws out though). 
Likes: yellow, blue, kielbasa (marty spelled that), Conan the Barbarian...he's a well rounded citizen. 
Dislikes: yo mama!.

+ cap'n turbin +
Matt plays drums, he loves his job.

+ electric boy +
Don...he's got really long fingers, has really long hair, and is the lead guitarist. His favorite bands are Tool, but he also listens to Tool. 
Likes: tool, L, cabbages, knickers, and it ain't got a beak 
Dislikes: candy apples, stupid bitches, ...yeah 

+ nick p +
The P is for:plays rythem guitar in Page Ten, sings backup (but not really) 
Likes: Freedom, Religion, Pornography, and this beautiful new country...America 
Dislikes: haters, and people with more money than him (and that means you....sike)