30 Things Guys Should Know About Girls

  • 1) When they play fight with eachother we laugh but inside we're thinking how immature they look.
  • 2) No matter how many times they tell us we're better we always compare ourselves to thier ex girlfriends.
  • 3) PMS is an excuse!!!!!!
  • 4) When we say we wanna talk we want someone to listen...not to smile nod and agree with everything.
  • 5) We're NOT expensive....even the smallest gift or the tinyest guesture is good enough to please us.
  • 6) If you plan on hanging on to your family jewels NEVER say any girl looks hot....even a TV star, when youre around us. We pretend it doesnt bother us but you should hear what we tell our friends.
  • 7) When we ask you for an opinion on something we want an honest one! Not you just saying what we want to hear.
  • 8) If we tell you we dont want to talk to you we usually mean it...so back off for a while!
  • 9) No matter how many ex girfreinds you've had before you BETTER treat us like the most important!
  • 10) Lie to us and we'll find out!
  • 11) Girls talk....when we do stuff with guys the first people to know are the girls friends.....surprisingly....not the guys.
  • 12) Baggy pants that hang down past your butt are NOT attractive!
  • 13) You may look cool with that skateboard but dont try to show off, its not impressing.
  • 14) Love us love our friends!
  • 15) Always remember that our friends come before you...so deal with it!
  • 16) When we mention cramps if you dont want to hear about it then say so....dont pretend like you care.
  • 17) Dont bother taking us some place fancy for a date...we would much rather just go to a movie and the beach.
  • 18) If youre not a virgin dont flaunt it! It can be intimmidating to girls who are a virgin.
  • 19) If you think a girl likes you ask her best friend...if she says "I dont know" then she likes you!
  • 20) Dont get your friends to ask us out for you...its so annoying.
  • 21) If you plan to break up with us do it on your own, we'll respect you for that afterward.
  • 22) If you say you'll call us then call us! We hate waiting!
  • 23) We always think we're right and even if we know we're not we'll argue till we are...so dont even bother to start an agument, you know who will win.
  • 24) Whn you try to me macho its annoying.
  • 25) We dont care how many girls you've made out with
  • 26) We dont care about people like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sarah Michelle Gellar, and we dont care how hot you think they are
  • 27) We think its cute when you go to the mall with your mom
  • 28) Shy guys are cute....we like cute
  • 29) Flowers dont fix everything
  • 30) If we say we're washing our hair....we're lying!