My Book Opinion Page

My Favorite Books

Hello everyone! This is probably going to become my fav page. I am absoulutly passionate about books! I own so many they've begun to pile up because I have no place to put them. I love all kinds of books. Poetry, Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Non-fiction, Classic, Plays, and just about everything else you can think of! The only kind of books I can think of that I don't enjoy are Romances. I have never been able to read Romances. When I read, it is almost always for entertainment. I want to read something that is going to make me think. The more intelligent, phsycological, technical, and convoluted the plot and story are, the more I enjoy them. Stephen King is probably my favorite author, followed closely by Robert Jordan, Agatha Christie, and Ray Bradbury. Chuck Hogan is also a very talented writer (in my opinion). Madeline L'engle has some wonderful books too. Like the Wrinkle In Time series. Now there is an interesting set of books. I grew up on The Secret Garden, Hobbits, and The Chronicals of Narnia (although the first book I ever read was actually This Is The House That Jack Built). Anyway, I love books, and this page is being built for the people out there who love them just as much as I do. I am going to include summaries and recomandations for some of my favorites. I may set up an adjoining poetry page. I will also look around for some cool book related links and chat rooms. Well, in the meantime, just bear with me. I'll have this page up and running in no time! Thanks for stopping by, and reading my long winded hello. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Please come back to check on this page. It will get better, I promise.

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