You Might Be From Michigan If...

  • 1. You have ever been sunburned and frostbitten in the same week.
  • 2. You point to a spot on the palm of your right hand when telling people where you're from.
  • 3. You can explain the difference between yoopers, trolls and fudgies.
  • 4. Owning a Japanese car was a hanging offense in your hometown.
  • 5. You learned to pilot a boat before the training wheels came off your bicycle.
  • 6. You know that a place called Kalamazoo actually exists.
  • 7. You know someone who was Asparagus Queen at a county fair.
  • 8. Someone says "down south" and you think of Toledo.
  • 9. Your family breaks into violence during the MSU/UM football game.
  • 10.You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
  • 11. You had to recite "By the Shores of Gitchee-goomie" for your 7th grade English class.
  • 12.You drive 80 mph on the freeway and always pass on the right.
  • 13. The trees in your yard have spigots.
  • 14.You have as many Canadian coins in your pocket as American.
  • 15.Coast-to-coast means Port Huron to Muskegon.
  • 16.You know how to play Euchre.
  • 17.You are not fazed by a traffic sign saying "Snowmobile Crossing."
  • 18.You bake with "soda" and drink "pop."
  • 19.You have no problem spelling names like Mackinac,Tahquamenon and Ypsilanti.
  • 20.The Big Three are either Ford, Chrysler and GM or Domino's,Little Caesar's and Hungry Howie's.
  • 21.You know that it's usually warmer in Hell than in Paradise.
  • 22.You go "up north" for the weekends.
  • 23.Your child's ball game has never been snowed out.
  • 24."Submarine" is a sandwich and "Big Mac" is a bridge.
  • 25.You used to believe Ernie Harwell when he said that the fly ball that went into the stands at Tiger Stadium was caught by a man from Warren.
  • 26.You don't have coughing fit after a sip of Vernors.
  • 27.You know all the lyrics to "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."
  • 28.You visit Florida and are frustrated because the newspapers there don't report hockey scores.
  • 29.You refer to Kalamazoo, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor as K-zoo,Ypsi-tucky and A-Squared.
  • 30.You thought Alkaline batteries were named after a Detroit Tiger outfielder.
  • 31.You know all the lyrics to "Take This Job and Shove It "
  • 32.You think that having clogged sinuses is normal.