You May Be a Roswell Fan If...

  • You have no interest in a cute guy from school until he heals you with a touch and tells you he’s an alien and suddenly you fall in love with him.
  • You go out and buy Dido’s album No Angel because Roswell’s theme song “Here With Me” is on it.
  • You start watching Dawson’s Creek to try and see the episodes Jason Behr guest starred in.
  • You start watching Xena: Warrior Princess to try and see the episodes Shiri Appleby guest starred in.
  • You rent any movie because a Roswell star played in it (or in the case of Disturbing Behavior: 2 Roswell stars, one Roswell executive producer).
  • You get into a fight with anyone about Jason Behr being the cutest guy on earth.
  • You argue with a friend over who is cuter Jason Behr or Brendan Fehr.
  • You refuse to talk to anyone who thinks Katherine Heigl is even slightly overweight.
  • You cried when Roswell Online was hacked into and destroyed.
  • You are more paranoid than most whenever you see the sheriff.
  • You lose your diary and suddenly you begin accusing everyone of stealing it to learn about your alien friend.
  • You search the Internet for anything Roswell related.
  • You think of Liz and Max’s hug every time you hear “I Love You” by Sarah McLachlan.
  • You wish you were an alien so you could clean your clothes by waving your hand instead of doing the laundry.
  • You get a headache and wish you had a secret power to make it go away.
  • Your mom (or dad, or best friend) gets an injury and you offer to heal it for them, as long as they don’t turn you over to the government.
  • You’re terrified of talking to the new school counselor.
  • Any time you see a hand print you wonder if Max, Michael, or Isabel are around.
  • You try to heat up coffee by using your hands.
  • You try to listen to a CD by holding it up to your ear.
  • You refuse to date anyone named Kyle.
  • You shake the vending machine and hope that everything falls.
  • You suddenly develop a craving for Tabasco Sauce.
  • People keep giving you UFO related books to read.
  • You try to find a copy of Among Us by James Atherton.
  • You look up Marathon, TX, on a map to see if it really exists.
  • You get caught speeding and tell the officer that you have a weak bladder and had to pee to avoid getting arrested.
  • You write/read Roswell fan fiction.
  • You try and figure out why Max would tell Liz he is an alien, but not tell her why they were all going to Texas in “285 South”.
  • You think of Max, Michael, and Isabel every time someone says the words “alien” or “secret”.
  • You wish you could go into other people’s dreams and play jokes on them.
  • You dream about the show or its characters.
  • You used to hate Monday’s but now it’s your favorite day of the week.
  • You suddenly decide vanilla ice cream is your favorite.
  • You tell your non-Roswell watching friends they are weird for not watching and loving the show as much as you do.
  • You insist on telling everyone Roswell is the next X-Files.
  • You get a haircut like your favorite Roswell character.
  • You wish you could wave your hand over your enemy’s test and change all the answers to the wrong ones.
  • You wish you could read Faulkner’s The Hamlet as fast as Isabel read Among Us.
  • You read James Joyce’s Ulysses to see if “what incensed them the most was the blatant jokes of the ones that passed it all of as a jest, pretending to understand everything and in reality not knowing their own minds” is really on page 655.
  • You start watching Win Ben Stein’s Money.
  • You start laughing anytime someone mentions The View.
  • You start dressing like your favorite character from the show.
  • You are convinced that there are aliens disguised as humans everywhere.
  • You start telling people that aliens are not bad.
  • You vow never to watch Independence Day, Alien, or Men In Black, again because they are discriminating against aliens, even though you loved these movies before watching Roswell.
  • You being taking art classes in order to start drawing Michael’s dome.
  • You suddenly decide you’d like to be a waitress.
  • You start carrying your house key in the top of your thermos.
  • You decide the chain lock on your front door is not good enough.
  • You have every episode taped.
  • You wonder when all the Roswell merchandise will hit stores.
  • You were one of the first people to log on to the Internet to search for or build Roswell pages.
  • You can name every Roswell episode of the top of your head.
  • You drive your friends crazy by telling them about each episode in detail.
  • You are afraid that Kate Foster from First Wave will discover Max’s secret.
  • You try to find a necklace with the symbol from “River Dog” on it.
  • You think you can start skipping classes and not get into trouble.
  • You don’t question where everyone’s parents are when they’re going on out of state road trips and breaking into hotel rooms.
  • You begin wondering about the level of security at your local hospital.
  • Any episode has ever made you cry, or laugh so hard you cried.
  • Instead of counting the days until your birthday, you count the days until the next new episode of Roswell airs.
  • People start talking about government conspiracies and aliens whenever they see you.
  • You don’t have a home page, just a Roswell page.
  • You name any of your children after Roswell characters.
  • You know every line of every episode, and play the episodes for you friends just to demonstrate your wonderful memory.
  • People refer to you as, “The guy/girl who watches Roswell”.
  • You look up the characters’ names in the phone book, and get excited if you find one.
  • You go to a rave with the hopes of being arrested like Liz and Alex in “Heat Wave”.
  • You start out ever journal entry by stating your first and last name.
  • You decide to participate in a Sweat Lodge Ceremony just to see what happens.
  • You kiss someone you like and use the excuse that it was to calm them down.
  • You buy more than one tape or CD because one of the songs was played in a Roswell episode.
  • You buy every magazine that mentions Roswell in it.
  • You stare up at the night sky, searching for the V-Shaped constellation.
  • You sit around making up a list of how to know if you’re a Roswell fan.