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All About Me

Well, for those of you who were bored enough to read about me, here's what you came for:

Whats up? My name's Kaylin (hence Kaylin's 'N Sync World... lol, ok stupid joke...) anyway, I'm a 15-year-old female from Wixom, MI. Trust me, don't ever move to Michigan, it sucks out here. Unless you like to be bored 24/7... I'm a sophomore in high school, I go to Walled Lake Western. Our football team won state championships, yay us... umm... I love playing sports, but I sprained my ankle last April, so it's kind of hard to play much of anything without getting hurt anymore... I've been an 'N Sync fan since Nov. 4, 1998 (pathetic that I know the date, but who can blame me?) I've been to 2 concerts so far and they both rocked. Other than 'N Sync's music, I also like country (yes, I'm a hick!) But country's not all that bad, trust me. Give it a chance. My favorite 'N Sync guy is Lance, then JC, then Joey, Justin, Chris... weird order, oh well. That's about it. If you care to know, it's snowing here and we're supposed to get 6-10 inches today. Just thought I'd let you in on that. Anyway thanks for coming to my site! Enjoy!

