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Disney Comic Strip

These were taken out of the Disney Adventures magazine. Hope you enjoy it, I though it was hilarious. If you have trouble reading it, e-mail me. If I get enough complaints, I'll type the thing out. Thanks!

'N Sync-Able!

Somewhere between Peoria and Dublique, the 'N Sync tour bus speeds toward yet another sold-out 'N Sync concert

Justin: Joey, don't you EVER get tired of reading those comic books?

Joey: About as often as you get tired of playing B-BALL, Justin!

Chris: What I don't get is how JC never gets tired of SLEEPING! That guy has more Z's than the dictionary!

Joey: Lance, don't you ever get tired of messing with your gadgets?

Lance: Well, you never know when a gadget might come in handy!

(clang, clang)

JC: Huh, wuzzat?!

All: What's the word, Eisenhower?

Eisenhower: I wuz AFRAID of this. We need a new spark plug! This bus ain't going NOWHERE till we get one!

Chris: But we've got a SHOW to play in Springfield tonight at 8:00!

Chris: Spark plug? Let's hike over to that house and ask for help.

(Ding dong!)

Girl: Hello?

Lance: Hi, we're 'N Sync...

Joey: And our bus has got no flow

JC: We need a spark plug to make it go!

Joey: What's your name, gorgeous?

Girl: Amber.

Joey: Say, do you come here often?

Amber: Actually, I LIVE here.

Guy: Who are these CLOWNS, sis?

Amber: They say they're a singing group and their tour bus broke down, Bruno.

Bruno: Singing group, eh?

JC: Hi, my name is JC, and this is Justin. If we don't get our bus going we're going to miss our show tonight.

Bruno: Yeah, yeah. Save it. Do you have any idea how many guys with funny hair show up here every day claiming to be a rock group?

JC: Uh, no...

Chris: You and your big mouth!

Joey: Me? What did I do?

Bruno: Maybe if you can PROVE that you really are a singing group...

Justin: Come on, before we DRIVE OURSELVES CRAZY, let's show who we are!

JC: This broken bus is TEARING UP OUR HEART...

Justin: YOU GOT IT, I want it, I'll do whatever it takes...

Chris: You got it, I need it- it's only a spark plug!

(Bruno frowns)

Justin: This guy is TOUGH!

JC: 'N Sync, take it into HIGH GEAR!

Justin: HERE WE GO! Yes, yes, yes, here we go! We've got everything you need, and you've got what we need, a spark plug!

Amber: These guys are much better than the last band that broke down here!

Bruno: Not bad. Ok, guys, what do you need, exactly?

JC: All we need is one little spark plug!

Bruno: Spark plug... why didn't you say so? We don't have any and the nearest hardware store is 63 miles away!

Justin: This situation is getting desperate!

Chris: Now we're NEVER gonna make that concert!

Joey: Just take it easy, Chris. There's GOTTA be a way...

Lance: There is... I figured out how to make a spark plug out of some stuf lying around the yard.

Justin: Alright! Way to go!

Amber: The concert is saved! I wish I could go!

JC: I think that can be arranged...


Joey: Ok, Lance, I'll never make fun of you and your gadgets again.

Lance: Great! But I'm still going to make fun of you!

Joey: D'oh!

