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Sarah's Dream

Okay- I've had 3 dreams about everyone in *N Sync except Chris.

P.S.- I ALWAYS have wierdo dreams, so this was no surprise to me. But these don't make me a wierdo (that I admit to anyway!;)). Oh yeah, you can post these if you want to!

#1- I was sitting in class and Justin and J.C. were sitting close to me and Brad Pitt was sitting in the table diagonal to me and he was making faces at me. Then, the teacher gave us a few minutes at the end of class to talk and Justin and J.C. came over by me. Justin was playing with my ponytail then he pulled out my ponytail holder. Why? I don't know. Then, somehow the dream went to my friend Jameka's house except it was my house and me and Justin were sitting in the bathroom floor. He was behind me and we were looking at this big cage and it had a python in it. It was Justin's. (I know he doesn't like snakes) Then I leaned back on him and like patted the back of his head and he said "We could have been doing this a lot longer." (Because we both lived in Jameka's house and he was talking about being together.) And right as I turned around and we were about to kiss, the dream ended. The wierd thing is: I don't like Justin. I mean, I think he's fine (like the rest of the population), but I'm in love with Lance.Anyway...

#2- Okay, I really don't remember much of this dream, but here goes- For some odd reason I was at school again and I had a pile of socks on my desk. Lance and Justin kept stealing them off my desk and teasing me. Then, it like goes to a desert trailer park (like the Las Vegas ones outside of the city) and they were like hanging out of their houses, yelling at me while I was walking down the road with an armful of socks.

#3- I walked into a movie theater and there was this square bar in the middle of the floor and my friend Whitney (who hates *N Sync) was serving everyone drinks. Then I saw Joey and I was like "I gotta go talk to him" so I did. Then, somehow it switches over somewhere and I'm talking on the cell phone with him. I'm sitting in a corner so no one will hear me. I ask him where he's at and he tells me a specific city in New York (but I can't think of it right now, besides it doesn't even exist). I ask him questions and the phone line is really clear, but every time I star to talk about myself, he gets real distant. I can't remember the rest.

#4- I was riding in a truck with my mother with the windows down 'cause it was real hot and I hear *N Sync. It sounded like they were having a concert and I tell my mom to stop and I stand on top of the truck to see if I can find out where it's coming from.

Well, that's it. There like super wierd and everything, but you know, any dream with *N Sync is like the BEST!!


Sarah Garofalo
(Sarah Lee Pancake)

Dreams Page
