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'N Sync Dreams

Ok, admit it... we've all had dreams (or in some people's case, fantasies) about 'N Sync. I've been getting lots of requests lately for a dreams page, so here it is. Send me your dreams along with a title and I'll post them up here asap. Thanks!

Sarah's Dream
KayRay's Dream
Brit's Dream

Jennifer's Dream

I was a my gymnastics practice one day and our coach told us to go strech. I was doing over splits when Chris walked in. He was talking with one of my three coaches and they both walked over. He told us all (there was about 15 of us) to sit on the edge of the floor. Our coach told us that when she was 2 years old Chris left her. Then Chris speakes up and says that he was sorry that he had left her, but he had to get NSYNC together. Then one of my gymnastics friends speakes up and says that she looks a lot like Chris. Chris agrees and when she turns aroung to the side we all notice that she has dents in her cheek. Chris was standing there like nothing happened, but all my other team mates and me know that before we had to strech she didn't have the dents in her cheeks. I ran for something to hold on too. I ran right into Chris and he held me cuz i was really scared. I woke up right when her was about to kiss me! (my fave. Nsync'er is Lance so this dream was really strange!)

Lacie's Dream

I was somehow on tour with 'N Sync, and I started going out with Lance. We had like a really long romantic relationship, with lots of dating and making out and stuff. One night we were at a hotel, and Lance, Justin, and I were in the hot-tub. I was still with Lance but Justin was trying to get with me. I finally got tired of him so I called my best friend to come take him off my hands. She gladly came and they went off in another room. Me and Lance went to bed. Then the dream skipped to one of their concerts. They were singing "God Must Have Spent" and Lance called me on stage. He proposed to me on stage in front of like 10,000 screaming girls. Of course I said yes. (who wouldn't?) We got married the next day and afterward I told him I was pregnant. He was super happy and got all excited. We started to hug each other and I woke up.

