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Funny Pics

Here are some very weird pics I've collected from around the web. If you have a funny picture of any of the guys that you would like to see up here, just e-mail it to me and I'll post it, along with credit to you. Thanks!

Wow... I think this is the one time in JC's life when he has looked something other than gorgeous... wouldn't you say?

Hey, when you gotta go you gotta go.

Find anything up there, Justin?

Lance, lookin' good!

You Justin fans out there will LOVE this one...

JC's like, "Hey guys! Check out this pizza! It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno!

Now that is one LUCKY M & M!

Is that Lance down there? And what happened to the rest of him? It looks like he's in a sleeping bag or something and Joey is about to tackle him...

Wow... Justin REALLY looks like he's in pain. Or, maybe he's just trying to squeak out one of those high notes! Meanwhile, I hope Joey's enjoying that microphone. Taste good? These pics are from 'N Sync's new European video, "U Drive Me Crazy". From the looks of these pics, I think the video should be pretty entertaining. Thanks to Psycho Sync for scanning these and J & J's 'N Sync site for providing them. I'll be adding a link to J & J's site soon, so don't worry... I'm not pirating pics. And without further ado, I give you 'N Sync... looking like fools...

'N Sync as rappers

'N Sync as the Spice Girls... now THAT'S a Kodak moment!

******I don't really mean this! I had this pic up for one day and got 4 complaints, so obviously I need a disclaimer! Lance does NOT resemble Dumbo the Flying Elephant in anyway! So don't get upset about it!

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