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First off, not all of these are mistakes... most are just things I've noticed. Also, it's so hard to find something wrong with such a perfect video! If you noticed anything that you'd like to share, E-mail me and I'll post it along with credit to you.

when Jc is singing and Justin is standing infront of him right before the camera goes to the boy and his mom, Justin looks back at Jc with a crazy, but cute, look on his face - Jennifer

-The scene where the boy and his girlfriend are dancing was filmed on a basketball court-- you can see the net in the top righthand corner of the screen

-The 3rd time the guys appear on the bleachers at the baseball game, they all look up at the sky. When they look back, Joey is the only one still staring upward

-There is a scene where it shows them around the fountain, which has the fake steam coming out of it. Then it cuts to the boy and his mother. When the camera returns to 'N Sync, the fountain has stopped.

-When the mother checks the mail, she is reading her own mail-- the flag is still up

Mistakes Page
