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The 1st Annual Justin-Sound-Alike Contest

"Wazzup y'all?" No, just kidding. Time to be serious. I made up this contest on a whim, but now I have decided to carry through with it. Lately I've been getting lots of mail from people claiming to be 'N Sync. But mostly I've had Justin impersonators. Wanna see some? Just go view my guestbook, there's 2 in there already. Here are the details:

-You do NOT have to have a web page, this is for everyone.

-Send me a paragraph or so in your best "Justinese". At the bottom, tell why you think you deserve to win this contest. Include your name, e-mail, and site info if you have one.

-After a month, I'll go through the entries again and pick the best. The winner will get an award, probably something small, but still an award.

Yo, sup ya'll? whats chillin in da hood? me and my boys J.C, lance,Chris, and Joey went crusin in my PhAt mercedes when we saw some girls chillin it was CrUnK bAby cRuNk...............we were on are way back 2 the tour bus wit da girls 'n then on the way there some uNcRuNk guysand they started dissin' me and my boys cause we got those FLy looking girls so but we just kept drivin' and told em' to chill out ya'll.......So We wEnT bAcK 2 the tour bus and had some goldfish........if ya'll remember ma song.............WeLl catch ya'll later later dayzzz ya'll i had a CrUnK day if ya'll know what I mean chill out peepz-

Hey ya'll what up? What are you down with? I am down wit b-ball man! Ya'll know that though don't cha? Well ya know my boys JC, Chris, Joey, and Lance? Well they are so boo-ya as a crew! Some guys were dissing me the other day just because I get all tha girls. They need to chill cha know what I mean? I was cruising around the hood in my totally crunk Mercedes and they were so mad when they saw my Mercedes against there hoopty! Ah it was crunk!!! I wanna give props to all my fans and especially God! And let cha know I have not got twisted yet so don't worry. Aight? True that. Well I will showin' my skill to cha and catch up with ya later. C-ya! Lyndie111

....Hey yaLL....WhaT uP!?!...iT's Just Lil'oL mE...TaKiN' sOme TiMe juSt chiLLin' aNd grOoVin' witchA'LL...iT's da CruNk MaN...Hey gOTta saY WhaT uP 2 My MOm...anD dA ReSt oF N SyNC...we'Re aLL gOod HeaLth wiSe and aLL...ThaNX 4 da CoNcErN...WeLL iT's gOod ThaT we'Re BacK hoMe now...we'Re goNna StarT touRing aGain soMetiMe in da SuMMa...anD 4 NeW YeaRs we'Re goNna SpenD iT 'N HawAii and dO a ShoW...which We LoOk foRwaRd 2...SuP Hawaii...ALOHA...weLL ChaT with yall LatEr oNLinE...PeAce aNd KeeP iT REaL!!!...- Caroline's my Justin paragraph~Hey yalls! Wuz up??? Yall wanna play some b-ball? I hope so, cuz I wanna play, bad!!! Yall know how I love b-ball...dontcha??? How'd we all become a group??? STOP ASKIN' ME THIS MAN!!! Just kiddin yall!!! mom came up with the name. She wuz all guys are really in sync...we liked the name, so it stuck. Then, awhile later, we found out 'bout that letter thing with our names, and we were like IT'S FATE MAN!!! WE GOTTA USE THIS NAME!!! Now...bout the I mind screamin' girls...let's see...screamin' girls...screamin' girls...I dunno!!! Anywayz...I gotta go! Love, peace, and hair grease!!! - Roxy

