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Lance's Bio

Birthplace: Laurel, Mississippi

Birthdate: May 4, 1979

Hair: Bleached blonde

Eyes: Green-yellow

Family: Mother, (Diane), Father (Jim), Sister (Stacy)

Nicknames: Scoop, Poofoo, Laidback, Stealth

Height: 5'8"

Greatest Influence: Garth Brooks

Favorite Food: French Toast

Favorite Color: Candy Apple Red

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Actress: Jennifer Anniston

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite TV Shows: Mad About You and Friends

Favorite Movie: Mortal Kombat

Hobbies: Video games, karate

Bad Habit: Bites his nails and spits out the pieces

Afraid Of: Things that buzz

Embarrassing Fact: Has a Beanie Babies collection

Voice: Bass (the really low stuff)

Extras: Anyone notice how much he points? It's like he can't control his index finger... every time you see him, he's pointing. Didn't anyone ever tell him that it isn't polite to point at people? Also, nice eyebrows... I didn't think guys were supposed to have such... "feminine" eyebrows. Very interesting.

