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Regarding Lance and Danielle....

First, I'd like to say that this is a topic I get kind of heated about, but not how you think I might. So it might be kind of long. Thanks for the understanding.

UPDATE: Yes, I understand that Lance and Danielle broke up! A long time ago! I just left this up so you guys could read some past opinions. Thanks!

As you all know by now, Lance Bass is (was) dating Danielle Fishel (Topanga on Boy Meets World). I've gotten lots of chain letters to stop the rumors, and I'm sure many of you have too. But here's the part that bothers me.

Because of my e-mail address, many people think I am Lance. I have gotten death threats meant for Danielle. Yeah, that's right. People have threatened to murder Danielle because they aren't happy about the situation. You guys, that's just not right!

True, the guy's quote was "We're single and ready to mingle!" But they are entitled to a personal life, you know. If someone wasn't happy about YOU having a boyfriend/girlfriend that you really cared about, how would you feel when you recieved death threats? It's not like we were expecting them to stay single forever. We all knew the time would come when they would date, and probably marry in the future. But when it did come, all anyone can do is bitch about it. No one congratulates them.

Danielle Fishel is a great girl. I have a friend who's cousin has met her before. I'm not saying they're going to get MARRIED or anything, but Lance and Danielle are right for each other. And if you can't understand that and think you deserve Lance all to yourself, get real! He has a life, he deserves to do what he wants with it. What he does with his life is his business.

So, I'd like to be the first webmaster to congratulate Lance and Danielle on their relationship instead of insult them. I hope others can follow my example.

If you want to see what other people think, click here.


