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Here's some mistakes I've noticed in 'N Sync's video. E-mail me with some new ones if you know of any that aren't up here, and I will post them and give you credit. I should have more to choose from soon. Thanks!


In "I Drive Myself Crazy Elisa Donovan smacks Joey on his right cheek after he kisses the other girl. First of all she didn't see the kiss and second when he is in the asylum he smacks himself with fly swatter on the left cheek. Opps. My name is Laureen Vermillion

When Lance is outside with his girlfriend, they are dressed completely opposite- Lance is dressed like it's winter, with a coat and pants and boots, (and a scarf, if I'm not mistaken) while his girlfriend is dressed in a pink tube top. And it has to be spring, cuz they're picking flowers.

Tearin' Up My Heart

