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Join My Webring

Want to join my ring? Here's the qualifications:

-you must have an 'N Sync-related site
-must be positive, no anti-'N Sync sites
-must have correct html code entered on your page

To join, fill out the form below.

Submit site to Dang! Did You See That?!: 'N Sync
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

I'll send you the code. When you have correctly placed it on your page, I'll add you to the ring. This is what it should look like:

Click the pic to go to the ringmaster's site This Dang! Did You See That?!: 'N Sync Web Ring site is owned by

Want to join the Dang! Did You See That?!: 'N Sync Web Ring?
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Here's my ring:

Click the pic to go to the ringmaster's site This Dang! Did You See That?!: 'N Sync Web Ring site is owned by

Want to join the Dang! Did You See That?!: 'N Sync Web Ring?
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Webrings I've Joined
