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'N Sync's Diary

Before you read these, please remember that this is only a joke. I am a fan of 'N Sync, but I can't help but point out their faults. So if you're gonna get all pi$$ed off and send me hate mail, read no further. If you're not, have fun. This is what you guys think 'N Sync would write in their diaries, based on their personalities...


Deer diary,

wazup? dis is da mann justen agen! we did a grate show tunite in och... okh... aw shit... ochlahowmah. Mann those gurls wont mi! Thay wuz all skreemeng forr mi and evuriethang! One gurl kryd whenn I smieled aht hur. I luv the powur I hav ovur peeple! JC iz mahd att mi cuz all da gurlz wonted mi and nott him. Hez just jelus cuz he don't gott abz liek mein. Lance promisd mi thatt he wud tich mi how tu rite tumorow I am soe hapie! Wel I am tirid soe I wil stopp now. Pice and hare grise!


Dear diary,

Hello. I had a great day today. The concert tonight in Oklahoma was just awesome. Not one of us was off key, and even Lance didn't screw up too many dance steps. Dang, I wish he would learn how to dance. He's making the rest of us look bad. And every time we went to change for a new song, Joey complained. "I'm hungry" and "I'm hot" and "Those girls in the front row are annoying me". I swear he never shuts up. And Justin- oh, man he needs help. He thinks he is all that and it is so obnoxious. Just cuz his abs are nicer than mine, he thinks that the girls are all over him. Which brings me to the fans. I am so tired of those teenybopper fans screaming for him. I can't even hear myself singing at concerts because of them. Am I the only perfect person in this world? Quite possibly. Well it's late, almost 8:00 pm, I better get some beauty sleep so I can look gorgeous tomorrow (as usual) Good night and God help my bandmates.


*sigh* I am having a reely bad day. Everyone is beeing so meen to me. JC was teesing me because I am always hungree. Can I help it if I have a large appetite? Justin was beeing rude and telling me that no one loved me. He said none of the fans like me. Is that true? Just beecause I'm a little different (like Lance said) it doesn't meen that no one likes me. Lance told me that I am stupid, which is so not true. I'm the smartest one in the whole group, what is he talking about? And Chris was just too hyper for me. He did the old fart-in-a-can trick and lit his shorts on fire. His screem was peersing. One good thing did happen. I met this girl at a club. She was so nice and I think I love her. We got it on but I can't tell anyone or else none of my teenybopper fans will love me anymore. Oh well I heer Justin calling me and he's saying that we're stopping for dinner. Yay! Bye!


Dear Diary,

Oh I had the most wonderful day! We met 98 Degrees. Oh I just love Drew! When he smiled at me I got all hot in the ears and weak in the knees. I think he likes me. I hope he noticed my nice eyebrows, whenever people see them they always look at me funny kinda like they think I'm cute. I hope so. At our concert tonight I only missed 42 dance steps, which is better than last time when I missed 67. I think that after 2 years, I'm finally starting to catch on to the chorus dance of "I Want You Back". Maybe I'll learn the whole thing some day. I hope. Justin was in a bad mood today. He told me to shut up when I told a fan that I was from Mississippi. But she really needed to know that, so I just had to tell her. Justin's such a meanie. He beat me up yesterday and told me that he'd kick me in my non-existent nuts if I told anyone about that. I don't understand what he said, was it supposed to be a joke? Well I need to go to sleep so I can be nice for Danielle tomorrow. I hope she doesn't find out that I'm dating Howie or she'll be really mad. Wish me luck!


Whats up diary? Oh dude you should have seen the chicks at the concert tonight! I'm telling you Oklahoma is a good-looking state, as far as I'm concerned. One girl looked just like Gwen Stefani, and if it weren't for the rest of the fans, I would have jumped off the stage and freaked her right there. But Justin wouldn't have like that, he doesn't like it when I get a girl before he does. JC doesn't care, he just sleeps. And Lance doesn't check out girls, he goes for the girlish guys. Like himself. Well I'm gonna go drink some more Surge and watch some more movies. Bye!

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