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Battle of the Boy Bands


By now, I think the boy-band war has been beaten to the ground. I personally am sick of hearing about how critics have been continually comparing these 2 bands. Not to mention 98 Degrees, 5ive, etc. This should all just be forgotten. Do you have something to say about any of these groups? Send it here with "Boy-Band War" in the subject line. Be sure to tell me somewhere in the message body if you want your message to be posted, because I will post all of them unless I am requested to do otherwise. Also let me know if you want your name/e-mail posted with your message.

Oh, yeah... and PLEASE try to keep the profanity down to a minumum! Thanks!


OK, guys, this whole thing SUCKS. My opinion, I think the Backstreet Boys don't deserve to be called the number one boy band. I mean, look at this. First, they really don't care about their fans at all, just listen to some of the things they've said. Second, they're only in it for the money. The only reason NSYNC did the Disney thing is because the Backstreet Boys turned it down because they wouldn't be getting paid enough. Tell me that's not right! Third, they're just plain stuck up, not to mention butt-ugly! I'm serious! Compare a pic of NSYNC to BSB, and you'll see what I mean! God, the BSB make me sick. It's horrible. NSYNC really is the number one boy band. They love their fans, their songs are just plain awesome, and above all, they're having fun. They don't care about the money, they care about each other. I have made my point. Oh yeah... and all the other boy bands can GO TO HELL! NSYNC FOREVER!


what is wrong with you ppl?? all the boy-bands are cool...whether it be BSB, N SYNC, Boyzone, 5ive, 98 degrees, No Authority, 911, LFO, Imajin, C-Note, Theory of Speech(i think that's their name), or anybody else.. what's the big deal?? so what if they're all a bunch of guys singing the same type of music?? it's all the same...if anything, you N SYNC fans would think it was cool to have BSB around cuz they started it all for N SYNC, by making it big in the US, the gave other groups a chance. And healthy competition never hurt anyone--it builds character...there's a difference between the two, if you noticed, N SYNC sings more uptempo songs, while BSB sing more slow/mid-tempo songs. and to the girl that said that BSB didn't do the Disney special cuz they weren't getting paid enough, they did it cuz they didn't have the time. at the time of the disney special, BSB was touring, and promoting their album and stuff...and granted, nick doesn't look as hot as justin in most pics (most being the operative word), they're equally hot. i mean, BSB was cursed with Howie, but N SYNC got stuck with Joey. i quite frankly think that brian, kev, and aj are cuter than all of N SYNC except for chris. besides, cuteness has nothing to do with the group, it should be based mostly on the music, not looks. look at the songs--BSB has more writing credibility than N SYNC. and i think it's especially bad that N SYNC's only writing so far was "Giddy Up." i mean, have you paid attention to the lyrics?? at least brian of bsb wrote something a little more fan-friendly...he wrote "That's What She Said," and i think that song is so sweet and cool. much more better/sentimental than "Giddy Up." both groups sing awesomely(is that a word??), and their dancing is way cool...besides, their personalities are totally different. i mean, look at them!! another thing--at least BSB has the balls to admit that they have all know Lance is going out with that Topanga girl, he just won't admit it...aj and brian admitted they were goin out with ppl on national tv!!! why don't you guys just stop thinkin about it as BSB sucks or N SYNC sucks, and be happy that there's two groups that are equally means more hot guys, more cool music, and more nifty pics and webpages to go spend your free time at...

--melissa if you couldn't tell, it really gets me made when ppl act like that :)

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