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The Night Before Christmas.... 'N SYNC STYLE!!!!

Fan Art

This was submitted by my friend Brittany- Doll's *N Sync Paradisefont>

The Night Before Christmas: NSYNC-Style

'Twas the night before Christmas in the NSYNC home
No fairs to perform, no Macys' to roam
Justin and Chris were snug in bed
Chris was uncomfortable, because of his head.
Justin, however, had a nice, sleepful rest
For his ramen-head curls made a light, airy nest.
While Lance in his facial mask, and JC in a cap,
Looked downright ridiculous when they prepared to nap.
When all of a sudden, JC heard a huge crash!
He ran to the window and saw a red flash.
A thunderous voice roared, "On Quarterback Blitz!
On... Donnie and Rudy!... And Kathie Lee's Greatest Hits!"
There was one man in the world who could fudge up that line
And at that moment JC knew that everything was just fine.
For that maroon-clad idiot could only be
The one, the only, the merry Saint Joey.
"To the top of the roof! No, a little more to the right.
Higher! High--" and then crashed with a fright.
Somewhat worried, JC then heard on the roof
Faint moaning from the silly ol' goof.
"Faster than a speeding bullet! Leap tall buildings in a bound!"
A blood-curdling scream, and a thud to the ground.
JC ran to the living room and saw a horrid sight--
A cherry red bulge the size of an airline flight.
It seems, with his rather large bowl-full of Jell-O,
Joey thought to arrive with a rather personal hello.
Some hours of tugging and Joey was free!
He went about his work, knocking over the tree,
He filled up the stockings with fun Christmas cheer,
More sponsorships and some new Tommy Gear.
A jolly old elf, chubby and plump
But the chimney trip made him smell like a dump.
He was covered in ashes from head to foot
The living room was now permanently covered in soot.
A wink of his eyes, the mark of his trade,
Reassured JC that he'd pay for the maid.
And using a finger to pick his nose,
JC sighed with relief when up the chimney Joey rose.
The last thing JC heard before he had a nice, stiff drink:
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all-- Stay NSYNC!"

-By Brittany