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It's An Obsession!

If you have any of these you would like to submit, just e-mail them to me and I will post them along with your name within a day. Thanks!


You dream about them

People start calling you "Nsync Girl" or start calling you by your fave Sync's name. If you call me Joey, I'll answer.

You get excited when they play a Sync song on the radio at work.

You think Joey is cheating on you when you find out he has a g-f. I hope she gets hives.

You're 23 years old & all your friends think you're crazy for liking them.


1. You listen to the Christmas cd in the summertime

2. Your grandmother knows the words to IWYB

3. You broke your thumb and got the same cast as justin just so he wouldn't feel alone

4. You can sing GMHSALMTOY backwards and in seven different languages

5. Your 4-year-old little brother can do the dance moves to TUMH

6. You go into BSB chats and only write nsync rulz and NSYNC HAS GOT THE FLOW AND BSB HAS GO TO GO!! (Yes I do this everyday)

7. You have all the imported albums and singles just to see if there are any different pictures.

8. You all of a sudden name your dog busta

9. You buy beanie babies

10. You are writing your wedding vows

11. You are saving money for your wedding dress

12. You sing MCHH everyday

13. You tell your friends to call you curly even though you have straight hair

- Amanda Kirkpatrick

You know its an obsession when your father randomly sings "I Want You Back", "Tearin Up My Heart", and "Here We Go"

You know its an obsession when your parents join the discussion about how glad you are that *N Sync dropped Lou Pearlman just like the Backstreet Boys.

You know its an obsession when your mom asks for Justin's cell number to call him and tell him to go to bed! Because he's "Much too tired! Look at the baggs under his eyes!"

You know its an obsession when your dog's name is Crunk.

You know its an obsession when you can name the band members (we all miss dax!) and the siblings/family members you see at each concert.


your teachers don't know your real last name they think its Timberlake.- Anonymous

every sentence you say starts with ""Guess what I heard about Justin"" even if your in Math class talking about fractions- Anonymous

pics of Britney Spears and Danielle Fishelle always seem to be under your older brother car tires. ( who would do such a thing)- Anonymous

you lecure your Lance posters about dating Danielle.- Anonymous

you got $30.00 for your b-day and spent every penny on just mags- Anonymous

suddenly your shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch and right this second have on K*Swiss shoes- Anonymous

you turn BSB fans into N*SYNC fans- Anonymous

you recite the word along with the N* the mix movie- Anonymous

When your beat up a guy because he took your N sync cd and threaten to snap it in half- Anonymous

Your teachers even know the lyrics to their songs because you sing them everyday- Anonymous

Your friend's nickname is Justin!- Anonymous

your best friend doen't call you by your first name,shes calls you Mrs.Kirkpatrick,Mrs.Bass,Mrs.Timberlake,Mrs.Chazes,or Mrs.Fatone- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

you ran out of room on the walls in your room so you start putting pictures on your ceiling- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

you weren't home when nsync was on TV,so you set your VCR to record when their on,but when you get home you reallize your tape ran out of film,and you starting crying like a baby- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

you can relate anything anyone shows you of tells to nsync- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

you wear a bracelet with your favorite nsyncster's name on it- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

pretend to be nsync and dance around your house like a fool- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

can't go to sleep with listerning to your nsync CD- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

if you hear someone say Chris,Joey,J.C.,Lance,or Justin you all of sudden become quite,because you think their talking about nsync.- Amanda Leah Kirkpatrick

you go out and buy a UNC jacket cuz it's Justin's fav team.

you wear those fake b.s. pass things to their concert.

you have tix to their concert in july.......even though it's only april

you tell ur parents that u and ur best friend are going to college in orlando, fl and ur gonna fall madly in luv w/ ur faav *NSYNC'r.

after u write letters/emails, u sign ur last name as Timberlake, Bass, Chasez, Fatone or Kirkpatrick

u do a whole family tree project voluntarily to see if ur related to any of the *NSYNC'rs(i'm related to Kevin from the BSB if any one cares!)

you think of Justin when u see that silver adidas jacket in the store

you wanna get ur ear peirced on top, on the same side as Justin.

u get into a huge fight w/ ur sis since she likes bsba dn u like *NSYNC just complaining that *NSYNC is better!

u make up rumors about the bsb and how *NSYNC does them first(like how *NSYNC flew over the audience at their last tour and guess who's gonna do that on their tour? the BSB! copycats!)

- Nicole

you tell everyone that you and Chris have already planned the wedding and it will take place in 2004.- Kris

you tell everyone you are having Chris's second child, Matt. You already have Melanie. - Kris

When you make up a hate song for the Backstreet Boys - Jamie

You named your baby think it over doll Joey- Jamie

You vote for their video at least 10 times a day - Jamie

You beg to change your last name to Fatone,Chasez,Bass... - Jamie

A sign that you're obsessed with 'N SYNC is that your parents test you on your info about the guys saying that you have to say something 'N SYNC orriented about every phrase they say and they know you're right when you answer because they know so much about the guys! -Curly

A sign that you are obsessed with 'N SYNC is that you get excited when you find out your parents were going to name you Justin if you were a boy! (not like this really happened or anything) -Curly

U right a story about them and of course u are on a date with one of them and when u finish u look out the door and say, darn he is late then of course u have ot let urself down eas and say it is only a story- Alyssa

You act as cool as possible in your room cuz you like to feel that your posters of 'n sync are watching you, so you try to sing on key, dance fabulously, and look your best in clothes. (but not when you're changing. you do not want them to be watching you change!)-Lila

You get mad cuz your dance teacher won't let you do 'n sync dances in dance class. you have to do those dances from Africa and other places! not fair! -Lila

you know ur obsessed when u sit in front of ur mirror (all decked out in the outfit ur gonna wear on FANatic when u win) and practice the questions ur gonna asked them. - Dauni

All of a sudden your favorite shoe brands are Timberland and Basswood...hmm... - Kaylin

Your favorite basketball team has to be the North Carolina Tarheels - Alexa

You go on the internet every day to see if any new *N SYNC sites have been added. - Alexa

...You find yourself making excuses when you read NSync obsession lists (ie. "I've had that baby blue outfit since waaay before I knew about NSync!" or "My favorite colors have always been black and silver!") and then you try to convince yourself that you will never be as obsessed as that girl at the concert who tried to kill you because you both like Chris... - Laura need to talk to someone and your friends aren't home so you talk to your Nsync posters - Kristen have to have an equal number of Chris, Lance, Joey, Jc, and Justin posters so that none of them will feel left out - Kristen swear that your first born son will have an Nsyncers name - Kristen constantly start using Nsync lingo like, "crunk", "Whats up wit dat ya'll" , and Jc's, "Dang did you see that!" whenever you talk to people and they have no idea what you're saying - Kristen say "Peace and hair grease" or "Stay Nsync" on the phone instead of goodbye - Kristen and your friends make it a tradition to play hackeysack before going to an Nsync concert (my friends and I do it!) - Kristen

you knoe you're obesessed when one of your supposed "best friends" (whom you brought to a previous concert) wins tickets from a local radio station to see them live, and you spend an hour screaming because you're going, only to find out later, when you call her, that she is bringing someone else and you spend the rest of the weekend crying and the rest of the month miserable. (not that i'm speaking from personal experience or anything) - Alice

Yell at the tv when 'N SYNC is not #1 on total request, like it's the tv fault :-) - Anna
Spend half the day surfing all the 'N SYNC sites on the internet - Anna

You know more about N'snyc than they probably know about themselves. - Lauren
Your favorite sport is suddenly basketball. - Lauren
Every time you go shopping you can't leave without buying something baby blue. - Lauren

Your obsessed when you dump your boyfriend 'cause he say's *N SYNC are FAGS!!!!

...when you lose friends over your obsession -Anonymous

...when you threaten to kill others because they have better concert seats than you do -Anonymous

you know you are obsessed when your friends stop spending the night at your house because they're afraid all of the pictures on your wall are staring at them!!! -Freckle00

Your school notebooks have "I LOVE JUSTIN" etc. written on them

Every other word that comes out of your mouth has something to do with 'N Sync

You cry because one of the guys gets hurt

You start to talk like Justin

You have to buy a new 'N Sync CD cuz yours is worn out from being overused

You're on a 1st-name basis with the TicketMaster guy

All of a sudden "bass" means more than a fish

You plan on naming your child after your favorite 'Sync

You know the date, time, and channel of their TV appearances 3 months before the show is scheduled to be aired

Your parents know the title and lyrics to all of their songs and sing them while in the shower

You think Lance is cheating on you when you find out he got a girlfriend

You can't go to sleep without listening to the entire CD first

You scream at the top of your lungs and jump all around the house whenever someone says "'N Sync"

You go out and buy out the store's stock of teeny-bopper magazines just so you can have the pictures inside

You're married to your favorite 'Sync in your dreams

You marked the guy's birthdays on your calendar and celebrate them by baking a cake and cookies, then send it to them

Nobody ever lets you talk because the only things you have to say are about 'N Sync and how great they are. You constantly get yelled at or smacked every time you open your mouth

When you get into a fight with someone close to you because they like the same 'Sync as you do

When you turn in homework assignments, your teacher finds your last name written as "Timberlake, Bass", etc

You accidentally call your boyfriend Justin

You plan to get the 'N Sync flame tattooed on your ankle when you turn 18

You get into a fight with someone cuz they say that 'N Sync sucks. (Hopefully, in this situation, you will beat the @#!% out of them! Us 'N Sync fans have POWER!)

You sleep with the CD case under your pillow

You religiously kiss pictures of them

You have a 75-page-binder full of pictures of them

Everyone you come into contact with knows to call you if they find anything in the newspaper or magazines about 'N Sync... cuz if they don't, they know you'll be angry (to be put in nice terms!)

Thanks, everyone, for all your contributions to this list! If there are any more you'd like to see up here, E-mail me!
